Western Mail

A new referendum is not democratic


THOSE two undemocrat­ic words are being bandied about, you know the ones... Second Referendum.

One of the people mentioning these is Tony Blair – wasn’t he the Prime Minister who led us into the 2003 invasion of Iraq? I would take his advice with a pinch of salt.

As for those others who think we should have a second referendum, I ask this question: do you believe in democracy? For if you do, then you should abide by the decision of the UK people, who, by a majority, voted to leave the EU.

There are those who are saying that the UK people were “conned” into voting to leave the EU, I don’t think so, for there has been a lot of discontent with the levels of immigratio­n which the UK has suffered in recent years, and I’m sure some of the other measures imposed on us have not been met with open arms – straight bananas is one. The laws of our country have been amended by the bosses in Brussels, It seems that when the EU leaders shout “jump” our government asks “how high?”.

If it wasn’t for the bravery of the British forces during World War

II, France and other countries surroundin­g the mighty Germany would have remained downtrodde­n. We should also be wary of promises, for in 1938 Neville Chamberlai­n arrived back in Britain, following a meeting with Adolf Hitler, waving a piece of paper stating that Germany would not invade Czechoslov­akia... Guess what happened next? Yes, Hitler’s troops marched in. Beware of false promises. There are of course some people who like to lie on their back for their belly to be tickled. Lyndon G Morgan

Gelli, Rhondda

 ??  ?? > The Joy of Light. Picture taken by Wyn Edwards
> The Joy of Light. Picture taken by Wyn Edwards

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