Western Mail

Drunk dad kicked police officer after night out


A DRUNKEN dad kicked a police officer after he became abusive to hotel staff following a night out in Cardiff.

Christophe­r Finucane, 35, was trying to book a room at the Park Inn hotel, Llanedeyrn, after earlier becoming separated from his partner in a McDonald’s in the city.

Cardiff Crown Court heard yesterday that at around 9am on December 8 hotel staff called police after Finucane became “abusive”.

Jenny Yeo, prosecutin­g, said: “He became abusive to staff and members of the public. He was clearly intoxicate­d.”

Bodycam footage from one of the police officers who attended the incident showed that for around 15 minutes officers “politely” dealt with Finucane.

Ms Yeo said: “They offered him a taxi to the station. His partner was staying in the Marriott in Cardiff and they offered to take him there.”

Footage shown to the court showed Finucane, of Gorse Farm, Llandrindo­d Wells, became abusive to the officers who had placed him in handcuffs.

After a further struggle Finucane was put in the back of the police van and said to one of the officers: “I will f***ing knock you out.”

The footage showed him kicking at one of the officers, PC Cooper, while sitting in the police van. The court heard the officer did not receive any injuries.

Carol Anthony, defending, said Finucane could “not bear” to watch the footage as he was “so embarrasse­d”.

Finucane was charged with common assault and being drunk and disorderly and pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing in December.

Recorder Lucy Crowther said: “The police spent a great deal of time trying to help you. You were abusive.”

Ms Crowther described his behaviour as “absolutely disgracefu­l” before handing him a twomonth jail sentence, suspended for one year, for common assault.

Finucane was ordered to pay £300 in costs, £300 in compensati­on to PC Cooper, carry out 100 hours of unpaid work, and attend 10 days of rehabilita­tion activity. No separate penalty was imposed for the drunk and disorderly offence.

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