Western Mail

‘PRA deal is signed off’, says Union


THE Welsh Rugby Union have revealed a new Profession­al Rugby Agreement (PRA) has been signed off, but ‘are not ready’ to publish the details.

Meetings have been taking place this week as a new Profession­al Rugby Board (PRB) met to discuss the new agreement that will now see the WRU and regions engage in a collective thought process.

The main talking point in the new PRA is the way the regions will now be funded by the Union, with speculatio­n rife that one or more regions would see a cut in funding and become a ‘developmen­t’ region.

While the new agreement has been signed off by all four regions and the Union, there are a series of criteria that the profession­al sides must meet before the new deal becomes active.

So, though we were hoping to find out just how the WRU’s funding pot would be divided, it seems we’ll have to wait a bit longer.

But what is now apparent is that each region has been given targets on the pitch that are ‘matched to appropriat­e funding models’.

Furthermor­e, ‘a further degree of financial rigour has been introduced to ensure that expectatio­ns are both realistic and sustainabl­e,’ according to a WRU statement.

“We have the details of a new PRA on the table and we are all in agreement and both resolute and determined to make it work,” said WRU chief executive Martyn Phillips.

“That means meeting a series of conditions which all parties have signed up to over the coming weeks and months. There are conditions which are clear lines in the sand, and will not be compromise­d, and must be met before the PRA can become fully active.

“For this reason we are not yet ready to publish further details of the agreement, but we remain fully committed to keeping the Welsh rugby family up to date.

“Nothing is off the table and we will be both bold and innovative in our thinking as we ask the fundamenta­l questions about what is best for the future of our national game.”

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