Western Mail

Plant more trees and save precious planet


I WRITE to commend your excellent coverage of the Extinction Rebellion protest in Cardiff.

It received front-page status and, indeed, that should demonstrat­e the importance of these protests by people who are trying to draw attention to the fact we are not discussing a looming crisis... we are, indeed, already in the middle of one.

For many countries the extreme changes in weather have already drowned villages and others have had extreme heat preventing them from growing their crops. Forests and jungles are being decimated by huge corporate interests to make way for palm oil plantation­s, destroying the habitat for the wild species there and humans who have lived and hunted there for ever.

We should remind ourselves that the trees are the lungs of the world. If this wanton decimation is not either stopped or better regulated the short-term gain for a few, who already have more wealth than they can spend in a lifetime, will endanger the planet even further.

Sir David Attenborou­gh has highlighte­d the problem with plastic pollution and we are reliably informed that it is found in the very deepest parts of the ocean and the fish we see on our dinner plates already have traces of plastic.

The young Swedish girl Greta has inspired many young people with her courageous stand. The commitment of children to her has galvanised ecologists and citizens to try to bring the serious nature of the issues to government attention.

Some of the protesters have been involved in scientific research on these matters and have seen reports shelved rather than acted upon.

In the USA, President Trump has ripped the heart out of the environmen­tal department and refuses to take part in world talks at the summits. We are luckier. Michael Gove is trying to get swifter action.

My own knowledge is not as in depth as some of these extinction warriors but I understand the importance of planting more trees.

Simply asking councils across Wales to plant more trees and protect establishe­d trees would be a good start.

We are all in one boat and it is in danger of sinking – man the paddles, guys.

Judith Toms Trecynon, Aberdare

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