Western Mail

This outrage is just hypocrisy by MPs


I FIND it hypocritic­al of all these MPs and AMs in Wales who now cry foul over the PM’s actions in proroguing Parliament after they have spent the last three years trying every political trick in the book to overturn or negate the democratic Referendum vote from 2016.

These same MPs have just spent weeks away from Parliament on holiday, if it was that important to scrutinise the government why didn’t they cancel the summer recess? Now they are losing four days or so and they go into meltdown.

For them to now claim this is undemocrat­ic is staggering based on their refusal to accept the referendum vote. I see politician­s I once respected choosing to ignore the result of a democratic and legitimate poll. We all know what it was like to live in Wales in the 1980s, when Mrs Thatcher was in power; a lot of us didn’t like it but never once did anyone argue the elections she won should be ignored or overturned.

There is nothing illegal in what the PM has done and these MPs may find it outrageous, but that is because they don’t accept the result of the referendum poll. It is they and their colleagues that are threatenin­g democracy and the people’s engagement with politics in the UK.

We must leave, and I would agree it is better to do this with a deal if possible but taking away the threat of No Deal from the EU takes away any incentive for them to offer any changes to a new Withdrawal Agreement. Then again, I know these MPs and AMs really don’t want any changes to any sort of deal, as it is not just No Deal they want to stop, it’s Brexit. If they want to argue the case for EU membership fine, I would have no problem with that, but that must be done after enacting the referendum decision, a decision they asked the people to make.

As for these MPs and AMs claiming they represent Welsh constituen­ts’ views, I would urge Labour especially to think on. As we know, the Brexit Party won the popular vote in Wales at the European Elections; they even won it in Cardiff of all places. Between the Brexit Party, Plaid and the Lib Dems, Labour (and the Tories if we don’t Leave) are in serious trouble when we do get to a general election.

It’s a mad world because I now find myself supporting a Tory PM who went to Eton and think he is speaking more for the ordinary people of Wales than these Welsh MPs and AMs, especially those from the Labour Party.

I would urge everyone please, respect the referendum result.

Gary Briscombe


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