Western Mail

Would Churchill have surrendere­d?


THE Boristas wanted a second Parliament­ary vote on Monday October 21 on their own Brexit version although that was already rejected by Parliament as recently as Saturday October 19.

Yet the Boristas deny their fellow citizens a second referendum on Brexit though the original one was held more than three years ago.

Furthermor­e, at that time, they had told us precious little about the exact details of what kind of Brexit they wanted. In fact, it is only since the original referendum that we have gradually learned more details about the various Brexit versions such as those of Norway, Canada and so on. About all they gave us was their nebulous slogan “Brexit means Brexit”. At least they are consistent in one way.

Today also we are in the dark about the details of the Borista Brexit version being put before Parliament, as also are the Parliament­arians and most of the Cabinet Ministers.

One thing is for sure. Should the Borista version be bulldozed onto the country, there will be great disunity no matter how much Boristas may claim otherwise.

Of course we are all exhausted and disenchant­ed with the whole long drawn out saga. But that is no reason to heed the siren call of the Boristas to therefore accept Brexiting willy nilly. Perhaps Boris Johnson should consider whether Churchill, the hero he tries to emulate, would have willy nilly surrendere­d to Nazi dominance simply for the same reasons.

Neil Boyer Abergavenn­y

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