Western Mail

‘Accused groped me each day when we shared tent’

- LIZ DAY Reporter liz.day@walesonlin­e.co.uk

THE second alleged victim of the head of an outdoor education centre came forward after reading coverage of his trial last year, a court heard.

The man, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, gave evidence on day two of the current trial of Robert Pugh, who ran the Storey Arms between 1981 and 2005.

Speaking from the witness box, he said: “It did cause a lot of unfortunat­e memories to come flooding back from the box I had put them in for 20 years.”

Pugh denies 13 counts of indecent assault relating to three complainan­ts covering the period between the mid-1980s and mid-1990s.

The man said he told a friend about the alleged sexual abuse years after it happened, adding: “It was a bit of a relief to get it off my chest and tell someone.”

He said his friend saw coverage of the trial on WalesOnlin­e (our website) last summer, contacted him through Facebook and sent him a link to the story.

Asked how he reacted, the complainan­t said he was “particular­ly upset” and thought Pugh would have died.

He said he spoke to his friend on the phone and rang the police later that evening. He added: “I was trying to work out if it was worth bringing it all up again. Then I thought if someone else was brave enough to come forward...”

The court heard he made a complaint to the police and a detective constable went to take a statement from him.

Giving evidence from behind a screen, he said he first went to the

Storey Arms in Brecon before he did his GCSEs and took part in walking, climbing and caving activities. He said he did not have much contact with the defendant during his first trip.

The court heard he went back again in the school holidays and saw Pugh more as he helped out sorting equipment.

He said Pugh would buy him alcohol, although he was under 18 at the time. He told the court he would drink two or three pints.

Roger Griffiths, prosecutin­g, asked: “Were you used to drinking alcohol at that age?” The complainan­t replied: “No.”

The prosecutor asked: “How would he behave towards you when he had had a few drinks?” The complainan­t replied: “He would behave, I now realise, inappropri­ately and over-friendly.”

Asked what he meant, he said: “Sitting next to me and rubbing my thigh. My upper thigh.

“I used to come back and go to bed. He would come in and normally he would take the mickey out of me for not finishing my third pint.

“He would fondle me above and below the duvet. I just used to roll over and pretend I was going to sleep.”

The complainan­t said he was usually wearing boxers and a T-shirt in bed. He said it happened more than once – Pugh bought him alcohol and then sexually abused him.

He told the court: “I wanted to get out of the room, but I was miles from home. I thought if I pretended to go to sleep everything would stop.”

Asked how he dealt with it at that age, he replied: “I just ignored it. I put it in a box and thought it would go away. I thought it was one of those things you have to put up with.”

Questioned about how many times the abuse happened at Storey Arms, he said: “I could not give an exact number, but I would say between about three and five times.”

The alleged victim said he “put up with it” because he wanted to carry on climbing, adding: “I tolerated it because I did not know what else to do. I did not know who to confide in. I was embarrasse­d.”

He told the court he went on a trip abroad with the defendant and was given free equipment for helping out.

The man said: “I had to share a tent with Mr Pugh.”

Asked how he felt, he replied: “I was not particular­ly happy. At that age I did not think much about it.”

Mr Griffiths asked: “Did you agree to sleep in his tent?” The complainan­t replied: “I did not have any choice.”

The prosecutor asked: “Was there anybody on that trip you could turn to for help?” He replied: “No.”

Asked if anything happened while he was in the tent, he said: “In the mornings especially, I would be groped.

“It got to a point I was just desperate to get up, get dressed and get out so that nothing could be done to me.”

He added: “He would grope me around the crotch area. He would make, what I now realise, were completely inappropri­ate comments. I wanted to get up and get out of there.”

The alleged victim said that happened at least three times and he went to stay with a friend in another tent.

He said: “I did not explain anything to my friend at the time. We were 400 miles from home. I was trying to get myself out of the situation.”

Pugh, 75, from Plasturton Avenue in Cardiff, denies 13 counts of indecent assault.

The trial continues.

 ??  ?? > Robert Pugh denies the charges
> Robert Pugh denies the charges

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