Western Mail

Trump’s confident to face trial in impeachmen­t’s tangled web


At the end of two extraordin­ary weeks, Donald Trump called the impeachmen­t inquiry ‘total nonsense’. The President’s professed confidence comes despite impeachmen­t witnesses swearing under oath that he withheld aid from Ukraine to press the country to investigat­e his political rivals. Here, we look at where the inquiry goes next...

THE investigat­ors, the law-makers and the man in the dock have heard enough. With stunning testimony largely complete, the House, the Senate and the President are swiftly moving on to next steps in the historic impeachmen­t inquiry of Donald J Trump.

Mr Trump described the inquiry as a “hoax” and said Democrats in the House of Representa­tives looked like “fools” during the hearings.

“Frankly, I want a trial,” Mr Trump declared on Friday, and it looks as though he’s going to get it.

Democratic House Intelligen­ce Committee chairman Adam Schiff’s staff and others are compiling the panel’s findings.

By early December, the Judiciary Committee is expected to launch its own high-wire hearings to consider articles of impeachmen­t and a formal recommenda­tion of charges.

A vote by the full House could come by Christmas. A Senate trial would follow in 2020.

Congress’ impeachmen­t inquiry, only the fourth in US history, has stitched together what Democrats argue is a relatively simple narrative, of the President leveraging the office for personal political gain, despite Republican­s’ assertions that it’s complex, contradict­ory and unsupporte­d by first-hand testimony.

House Democrats may yet call additional witnesses first, notably John Bolton, Mr Trump’s former national security adviser.

But Senate Republican­s are already looking ahead to their turn, the January trial that would follow House approval of impeachmen­t charges.

They appear to have two major options.

Should they try to dispatch such a trial in short order, which they may not have the votes to do, despite holding 53 seats in the 100-member Senate?

Or should they stretch it out, disrupting the Democrats’ presidenti­al primaries under the assumption it helps more than hurts the Republican Party and Mr Trump?

At this point it seems very unlikely the 45th president will be removed from office.

And he knows it.

“The Republican Party has never been more unified,” Mr Trump declared on Friday, calling into the appropriat­ely named Fox & Friends to talk about his achievemen­ts for nearly an hour.

The Democrats have nothing to impeach him on, he claimed, adding that if the House proceeded, its work would come crashing down in the Senate.

He wants that trial, he said.

It all stems from Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukraine’s newly elected president.

Mr Trump asked Volodymyr Zelenskiy for “a favour”, which involved investigat­ing Democrat Joe Biden, and a theory – debunked by US intelligen­ce – that Ukraine, not Russia, interfered in America’s 2016 election.

In return, Democrats say, it was made clear to Mr Zelenskiy by others that he would get a coveted Oval Office visit.

And at the same time, Mr Trump was holding up $400m (£311m) in military aid that the eastern European ally relies on to counter Russian aggression at its border.

For Democrats, it amounts to nothing short of a quid pro quo “bribery,” spelled out in the Constituti­on as grounds for impeachmen­t.

They say they don’t need Bolton or anyone else to further a case they contend was well-establishe­d by the White House’s rough transcript of the phone call – the transcript Mr Trump himself implores America to read.

“We Democrats are tired of a President

who is willing to put his own personal interests above the Constituti­on,” said Democratic Representa­tive Pramila Jayapal, a Judiciary Committee member. “I don’t think we should be waiting.”

Mr Trump insists he did nothing wrong.

On Friday he revived the idea of electoral interferen­ce from Ukraine, on which he relied to push investigat­ions of Mr Biden’s son, Hunter, who served on the board of a gas company in Ukraine.

His comments came the day after former White House adviser Fiona Hill warned Republican­s in the hearings that the claim was a “fictional narrative” that was dangerous for the US and played into the hands of Russian president Vladimir Putin.

Uncowed by witnesses who warned against playing into the Russians’ hands, Mr Trump repeated a debunked conspiracy theory that Ukrainians might have hacked the

Democratic National Committee’s network in 2016 and framed Russia for the crime.

Mr Trump said: “They gave the server to CrowdStrik­e, which is a company owned by a very wealthy Ukrainian. I still want to see that server. The FBI has never gotten that server.”

Mr Trump’s claim on Ukraine being behind the 2016 election interferen­ce has been discredite­d by intelligen­ce agencies and his own advisers.

CrowdStrik­e, an internet security firm based in California, investigat­ed the DNC hack in June 2016 and traced it to two groups of hackers connected to a Russian intelligen­ce service – not Ukraine. The company’s co-founder, Dmitri Alperovitc­h, is a Russian-born US citizen who immigrated as a child and graduated from the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Mr Trump also repeated claims that officials from former president Barack Obama’s administra­tion spied on his campaign and underscore­d the need to keep Republican­s unified against impeachmen­t.

Now a Trump ally, Lindsey Graham, a senator from South Carolina, has asked the State Department for documents on the Bidens and Burisma, the gas company.

The Judiciary Committee chairman and other senators met White House counsel Pat Cipollone as Republican­s considered Mr Trump’s rebuttal to whatever impeachmen­t articles may arrive from the House.

Another Republican senator, Ted Cruz, said if the White House wanted to call Hunter Biden as a witness, or the anonymous government whistleblo­wer who alerted Congress to concerns about the phone call, then they “should be allowed to call them”.

Despite Mr Trump’s denials, Democrat Schiff says the testimony in the hearings has largely confirmed the accusation­s against the President.

“What have we learned through these deposition­s and through the testimony?” Schiff said as he closed the final session. “So much of this is undisputed.”

Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said this week no decisions had been made on further hearings.

“As I said to the President, if you have any informatio­n that is exculpator­y, please bring it forth, because it seems that the facts are unconteste­d as to what happened,” she said.

In the Senate, many of the next steps will depend on President Trump, whose shifting views have forced Repiblican senators to readjust their own.

 ??  ?? Fiona Hill, the National Security Council’s former senior director for Europe and Russia, is sworn in
Fiona Hill, the National Security Council’s former senior director for Europe and Russia, is sworn in
 ??  ?? > ‘I want a trial’ – President Donald Trump
> ‘I want a trial’ – President Donald Trump

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