Western Mail

The Crown presented difficult subjects well


I WISH to add my congratula­tions to the producers of the television series The Crown, and in particular the way they have dealt with two difficult Welsh subjects – the Aberfan disaster and the Prince of Wales’ term at Aberystwyt­h University in 1969 prior to his investitur­e at Caernarfon.

The Aberfan tragedy was re-created brilliantl­y and sympatheti­cally and was devoid of the usual exaggerate­d Welsh accents and dialogue such as “Look you, boyo”.

This was a powerful dramatisat­ion of a tragic event, and even though it glossed over some of the failings of the National Coal Board and politician­s like George Thomas it reminded all of us old enough to remember the event of the terrible price we as a nation have paid to provide coal for British homes and power stations.

Similarly, the Investitur­e episode, another sensitive matter even today, was a much fairer reflection of the period than we normally get from British television.

The use of the Welsh language in the episode added to its authentici­ty and the producers deserve our congratula­tions for that and for the obvious and detailed research into the politics of Wales in the late 1960s.

The dialogue’s reference to the neglect of Wales during the period by “national” politician­s had echoes of today’s events.

Both episodes have done a great deal to raise Wales’ profile in the world and that is something that is dearly needed.

Gerwyn Morgan Beulah, Newcastle Emlyn offer to entice me unless they first promise to do the honourable thing and deliver on the 2016 referendum result.

Whether we are in the Leave or Remain camp, we are faced primarily with a straightfo­rward moral decision.

I cannot bring myself to vote for a party which unashamedl­y wants to revoke the referendum result, nor for those offering another referendum in any shape or form.

No good ever came from reneging on a promise.

So the principal message we need to send at the ballot box is, that even if our political class don’t want to do the honourable thing, then we do. Howard Ashton


 ??  ?? > Twilight - Caerphilly. Picture sent in by Nigel Owen
> Twilight - Caerphilly. Picture sent in by Nigel Owen

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