Western Mail



“The Labour Party will need to select a candidate that can unite all parts of our movement - the union movement, the members and elected representa­tives - I have to be honest that at this time, that person isn’t me”

- Jess Phillips abandons her bid to become Labour’s next leader.

“I need it, that is my drug today. I’ve done all of the other crap, left that by the wayside, survived that, and I ain’t done yet and I ain’t going to go anywhere yet”

- Ozzy Osbourne, who has revealed he has Parkinson’s disease, says he hopes to perform


“Everyone loves their mom; everyone’s got an important mom. But for me, she’s really the guiding force. Almost every decision I make, I talk to her about it first. So obviously it was a really big deal to ever speak about her illness”

- Taylor Swift, below, has revealed

her mother Andrea has been diagnosed with a brain tumour.

“There are beautiful girls everywhere. I could have my pick, but for 35 years - I’ve only wanted Pamela. She makes me wild - in a good way”

- Hollywood mogul Jon Peters who has married his former girlfriend, Baywatch star Pamela Anderson.

“Somebody’s got to take charge, I think, and say: ‘I’ve booked us in, we’re doing this. We’ve got a month to get ready.”’

- Hugh Laurie says he and Stephen Fry have discussed resurrecti­ng their comedy double act for the stage.

“My heart breaks when I think about it”

- Olympic gold medal-winning canoeist Etienne Stott, who was convicted of a public order offence after Extinction Rebellion protests, says he acted out of fear for the future of the planet.

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