Western Mail

Re-writing history just doesn’t wash

- Jayne Isaac Maesteg

CONTRARY to the assertion of Gareth Thomas, Western Mail, January 25, the majority of people within the UK and indeed within Wales will not lament over Britain leaving the EU because a majority of them voted for it.

Mr Thomas seems to be following in the footsteps of Comrade Lenin, who said that if you tell a lie often enough it becomes the truth.

So let’s say it again for the benefit of Mr Thomas and any other dyed-in-the-wool Remainers – a majority of the people of the UK and a majority of the people of Wales voted to leave the EU.

The only vote that counts in this is the actual referendum of 2016 and not the spurious opinion poll results that he quotes.

Also, if there was any doubt about the people’s will to leave then they have surely been quashed by the decisive vote in December’s general election in favour of Boris Johnson and the Conservati­ve Party whose campaign was unequivoca­l in its intent to Get Brexit Done.

That result is not in any doubt either, with the Conservati­ves having a majority of 80 including 14 seats in Wales.

So, let’s hear no more of Remainer grumbling about the result of what was the largest democratic vote ever. Attempting to re-write history does not wash.

They lost the referendum and they lost the general election despite electoral pacts between pro-EU parties in a final desperate bid to thwart the referendum result.

The people have spoken and their will must be done.

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