Western Mail

Man shot in terror attack


tim, a male victim on the ground, near the White Lion Pub, and people were helping him.

“Then five minutes later, a woman came over and said, ‘I’ve been stabbed too in the back’. And then people started helping her.

“I saw one body lying down further away. He was face-down between Argos and Iceland. It’s really scary.”

Rafe Askem, 21, was having a cigarette outside Maeme’s takeaway when he heard a commotion coming from the Lidl supermarke­t.

He told the Press Associatio­n: “It looked like three boys but I’m not sure.

“I heard a shout, like an ‘ahhh!’ shout. The next thing I saw was a guy on the floor with blood round him. I didn’t see a fight or anything, it seemed quite spontaneou­s.

“The others were legging it round the other way. I saw police coming so I went straight into the pub.

“I definitely didn’t hear any gunshots. A lot of people messaged me saying there’s gunshots but I didn’t hear any.”

Yesterday evening, forensics officers could be seen near Superdrug and Boots examining the area for clues. Families could be heard asking police how they would be able to access their homes in light of the incident.

Streatham High Road remains closed with cordons in place, police said.

In a statement, London Mayor Sadiq Khan praised the emergency services as “the best of us”, adding: “Terrorists seek to divide us and to destroy our way of life – here in London we will never let them succeed.”

Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Home Secretary Priti Patel and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said their thoughts were with the injured.

The London Ambulance Service said the first medics arrived at the scene of the attack four minutes after being called just before 2pm.

The British Red Cross said it was ready to make the UK Solidarity Fund available to those affected by the attack.

The fund was set up in 2017 following the attacks in Manchester and London and offers financial support to victims of terror attacks in need anywhere in the UK.

 ?? Sebastian Lenda ?? > Members of the public tend injured people during the incident in Streatham, south London, yesterday where police shot dead a man
Sebastian Lenda > Members of the public tend injured people during the incident in Streatham, south London, yesterday where police shot dead a man

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