Western Mail

Hopefuls go head to head in the battle for the Labour leadership

- RUTH MOSALSKI Political editor ruth.mosalski@walesonlin­e.co.uk

ONE of the people stood on the stage at Cardiff’s City Hall will be Labour’s next leader. The third hustings of their campaign saw them come to Wales straight off the back of an event in Bristol. The candidates for deputy have had more chances to woo voters.

At 11am, the four made their way on to the stage to loud applause.

Emily Thornberry had drawn the lot to answer first, followed by Lisa Nandy, Rebecca Long-Bailey and Keir Starmer.

They each took their place behind their podiums knowing they’d be facing a series of questions, but not the topics. Their only formal pitch was in the form of a two-minute closing speech.

Those questions had been submitted by members, and as the moderator, I’d seen them all. There were tens, covering a huge range of topics.

Some were about internal party matters like selection and the way Labour works at a local level.

Some were global issues, like Palestine and Israel.

There were questions on trans issues and anti-semitism, education and health, the working relationsh­ip between Westminste­r and Cardiff Bay.

Brexit too featured, but, given recent developmen­ts, less than it would have a few months ago.

Mostly, they were asking what happened with the campaign a few months ago, and just how their party got so badly hammered at the ballot box – and that isn’t an easy question to answer.

All those questions in those boxes, if Labour are being honest, were part of the problem which led to that election defeat, and something both the leader and deputy leader will be answering questions on for some time yet.

All have a part to play in working out what went wrong in the 2019 general election and what they need to change to make progress in 2024, which currently seems an awfully long time away for the politician­s now firmly in opposition.

While the candidates kept referring to the next general election, there’s an earlier election that they will be back in Wales campaignin­g for – the Assembly election in 2021.

When asked what they’d do for Wales, or how they want devolution to look, the general sense was “it’s not our place to tell Wales what to do”.

While that may sound like typical politician­s shrugging off responsibi­lity, in the room it went down well.

One of the points Labour activists and politician­s have made during the post-mortem of what went wrong in December is that there was too much of Wales being told what to do by London, from candidates being selected to what should be printed on leaflets.

The remaining Westminste­r Labour contingent are desperate to get their message through in Wales of just how hard it was to campaign in that last election, as well as win – and see their colleagues lose.

Hearing their next leader be humble and vowing not to interfere will be music to Welsh ears.

As more than one person said to me: “Finally, they’re listening”.

In her closing speech Emily Thornberry focused on the obvious but no doubt painful fact that she has less than two weeks to secure the support she needs from unions and CLPs. She is on the back foot.

With no script, she geed up the room with a rousing closing.

Urging them to give her the votes she needs to be on the ballot, she told the audience, who reacted warmly to her impassione­d bid: “Give me a chance to be involved in this debate. Will you please just get on and do it. I can do it, that’s why I put myself forward”.

Lisa Nandy, the Wigan MP, did have a speech prepared, telling the audience that the format of the hustings – determined by Labour Party rules – was “part of the problem”.

The 40 seconds they were given to answer was just a chance to “shout slogans at each other” but not a chance to listen to members properly – something the party has been criticised for with this format.

Rebecca Long-Bailey repeated her lines about her Salford roots in her polished pitch, saying there were plenty of similariti­es between her hometown and constituen­cy and Wales, describing a “ferocious fighting spirit”.

The bookies’ favourite Keir Starmer said he’d used his time in Wales recently to hear what members want – an answer for those saying they don’t need another leader who calls London home.

There were plenty of people in the room who had made their minds up before arriving.

A host of AM and MPs were outside proudly wearing their stickers in support of Keir Starmer as I arrived more than an hour before the hustings kicked off.

But for some, this was a way to narrow down their decisions.

Branwen Brooks, from the Vale of Glamorgan, had entered the room leaning towards supporting Keir Starmer. “I think Lisa Nandy has really come forward. She was a little bit of an unknown, but actually I think in the campaign she’s done really well, but I don’t know if it’d be enough for me. I think I’m still leaning towards Keir, he came over as strong and knowledgab­le.”

For her, Emily Thornberry is both “fiery and feisty” – “I think she’s got what it takes to be leader”. And the reason? That feistiness.

Last time round she was an Owen Smith supporter, but wants to see the factions between Labour brought together.

“I’m hoping for someone at the centre of the party and someone people will listen to”.

Two younger voters who are both undecided are Meg Thomas, 22, and Shaun Bendle, 24, both from Cardiff.

For Meg, the event left her fairly contented with whoever gets the job. Those unifying messages coming from the stage had the desired effect on her.

“We’re all in the Labour Party, so it’s good to see they’re getting that,” she said.

Shaun too had arrived expecting for Keir Starmer to be his winner, but it was Lisa Nandy who impressed him.

“Emily doesn’t get that many mentions but she understand­s why she’s in the field and that’s nice to see.”

In the toilets at the interval, Rebecca Long-Bailey told me the afternoon would be “fun” as the deputies “are a laugh”.

The room was definitely less full, partly, I’d deduce, as it was a Sunday afternoon, and partly as the first question I asked was: “What is it the deputy leader does?”

They were a charismati­c bunch. The three female candidates, Rosena Allin-Khan, Dawn Butler and Angela Rayner all stood out due to their bright and brilliant outfits – Dr Allin-Khan saying her yellow dress was because her children told her to dress as a daffodil in homage to their dad’s roots.

Ian Murray and Richard Burgon both rallied the troops with soundbites about heroes (Nye Bevan, Tony Benn and Dennis Skinner for Burgon) and battling nationalis­ts (Ian Murray).

Angela Rayner made an early mention of the damning poll that could show just how hard the battle to keep the Assembly could be. The rest steered away from telling their members in Wales what they thought it should be doing particular­ly in terms of devolution or independen­ce.

There was an audible hiss from the audience in response to a question that Corbynism had left the party on the “edge of oblivion”, and Angela Rayner was cheered as she said it wasn’t Corbynism to blame.

Her shadow cabinet colleague Dawn Butler held Labour’s manifesto aloft, proclaimin­g it “magnificen­t”.

All the candidates were preaching to the converted. This was a Labour event for members and those associated with the party.

But what they did, and what matters to those in the room, was that they were singing from a different hymn sheet to a few months ago.

There were no lectures, there was humility, there were promises to learn the lessons of the general election and not let it be repeated.

There were promises to stop antisemiti­sm, racism and infighting.

They are the things members and activists want to hear before they go back out on to the doorsteps to campaign again, and in Wales that will be happening sooner than elsewhere.

The big test for them all is that if they get elected on April 4, can they deliver?

And in terms of Wales, can they deliver in time to ensure that their party is still in charge come May 7 here in Wales – and that really is a big test, whoever wins this latest battle.

 ?? Matthew Horwood ?? > Labour leadership candidates, from left, Emily Thornberry, Lisa Nandy (speaking), Rebecca Long-Bailey and Keir Starmer at the Labour leadership hustings at City Hall yestrday
Matthew Horwood > Labour leadership candidates, from left, Emily Thornberry, Lisa Nandy (speaking), Rebecca Long-Bailey and Keir Starmer at the Labour leadership hustings at City Hall yestrday
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