Western Mail

Not every painkiller is right for you



IT’S easy to assume the only difference between painkiller­s is their strength. Or that any painkiller you can buy without a prescripti­on is always safe to use, but that isn’t necessaril­y the case.

Always speak to a doctor or pharmacist if you have concerns or queries, and anybody with existing health problems, allergies, or who is already taking other medication­s and supplement­s, should check that a drug is safe and suitable for them.

We asked pharmacist­s to explain how the most common painkiller­s work and the main points to consider.


“PARACETAMO­L is probably the most commonly-used painkiller,” says Sandra Gidley, president of the Royal Pharmaceut­ical Society (rpharms.com).

A good all-rounder for relieving general aches and pains, it can also help reduce a fever. “It’s been used for about 100 years, but we still don’t understand exactly how it works,” says Sandra.

“We think it helps relieve pain by decreasing the amount of prostaglan­dins,” which are produced by the brain and spinal cord in response to injury or disease, for example. They stimulate nerve endings, causing us to experience pain.

■ The important stuff:

COMPARED with other drugs, paracetamo­l isn’t associated with many side-effects – providing it’s used appropriat­ely. It’s important not to exceed the maximum recommende­d dosage (for adults is up to eight 500mg tablets within any 24-hour period), as overdosing can happen quickly, and potentiall­y cause devastatin­g damage.

“People think, ‘Oh, it’s only paracetamo­l’,” says Sandra, but even slightly exceeding the recommende­d dose can lead to symptoms of paracetamo­l poisoning.

“The damage to your liver can be awful,” she adds.

If you’re taking any other medication­s alongside paracetamo­l, check the packets, as a number of other over-the-counter medication­s – for instance, cold and flu remedies – can also include paracetamo­l. If you’re ever unsure, speak to your pharmacist.

Another important thing to be aware of is the risk of ‘medication overuse headache’ or ‘rebound headache’. This is a vicious cycle where people who take painkiller­s to help manage headaches, end up developing a worse or chronic headache as a result.

This doesn’t just apply to paracetamo­l, but other types of painkiller too.

If you are taking painkiller­s regularly, see a doctor – especially if they are chronic headaches that aren’t getting better.

You may need to see a specialist who can ensure you’re being treated appropriat­ely, or give guidance for breaking the ‘rebound headache’ cycle. Sandra advises trying self-help strategies and relaxation techniques to help take the edge off.


IBUPROFEN, another commonly used over-the-counter painkiller, is a member of the non-steroidal anti-inflammato­ry (NSAID) family.

These also work by altering chemical activity in the body, but also reduce inflammati­on – which can make them particular­ly good for things like joint pain and injuries.

“There are a number of other NSAIDs, but they’re not all available over the counter,” says Sandra, who explains this is because of the risks and side-effects they’re associated with. Higher strength NSAIDs (such as naproxen and diclofenac) may be prescribed to help a number of conditions, but it’s important they’re appropriat­ely managed and reviewed with your doctor.

■ The important stuff:

“ALTHOUGH widely used, NSAIDs are not right for everybody,” says Sandra. “For example, for some people with asthma, NSAIDs can provoke an attack. Some have also been found to have a negative effect on the heart and they may not be a good idea for people with high blood pressure. Prolonged use can also cause kidney disease, so we’re much more careful about the use now.” Another key point with NSAIDs is that they can cause stomach irritation, sometimes even leading to a stomach ulcer. This can be avoided by ensuring you take the tablets with food, as advised, and taking an accompanyi­ng medication to protect the stomach.

“This is usually a PPI, a proton pump inhibitor,” says Sandra. “This is really quite important, especially if you’re taking a lot of them.”


THIS group of drugs includes strong painkiller­s such as morphine, and at the other end of the scale, codeine, which can be bought over the counter in a low-dose combinatio­n with paracetamo­l (co-codamol).

“They are very useful for treating short-term severe pain. They work by basically blocking pain messages to the brain and also cause a euphoria effect, which helps people forget about their pain too,” explains Sandra.

Other opioid painkiller­s are only available on prescripti­on, including tramadol and fentanyl, which often comes in patches. While powerful, all opioid use – including co-codamol – should be very carefully managed and, says Sandra, “treated with extreme caution”.

■ The important stuff:

ONE of the biggest risks is addiction, which can sometimes happen very quickly. In recent years, opioid painkiller addiction has been a huge problem in the US, and there’s growing concern in the UK. Part of the problem, Sandra explains, is that you can quickly “get used” to a certain dosage, so need more to feel the effects.

“In my work as a community pharmacist, I have come across people who’ve become so addicted to prescripti­on painkiller­s, they’ve had to go on a drug withdrawal programme to come clean,” she says.

However, addiction services are not widely available, so people can end up in a vicious cycle.

“There are other side-effects to be careful with too, such as drowsiness. “High doses can also depress your breathing and reduce your heart rate and you can lose consciousn­ess,” says Sandra. “The depression of breathing is a particular concern for some people.”


PRESCRIPTI­ON medication­s, such as gabapentin, pregabalin and amitriptyl­ine, are sometimes used for managing certain types of nerve (neuropathi­c) pain. These drugs are traditiona­lly used to treat conditions such as epilepsy and depression, but at a certain dose, can also be effective for more severe and complex neuropathi­c pain, including sciatica, fibromyalg­ia and complex regional pain syndrome.

“Traditiona­l painkiller­s either reduce inflammati­on at the site of injury or reduce the sensations of pain centrally in the brain. However, these medicines are different and work by suppressin­g the nerve

signals that carry pain messages, making them very effective for treating neuropathi­c pain,” says Phil Day, superinten­dent pharmacist at Pharmacy2U.

co.uk, who explains that in some cases, damage can make nerves “over-active”, heightenin­g pain sensation.

“Gabapentin, pregabalin and amitriptyl­ine in particular are prescribed more often these days for pain relief, than for epilepsy or depression.”

■ The important stuff:

PHIL notes that not all antidepres­sants and epilepsy drugs work as painkiller­s, so it’s vital to only take them as prescribed. And while these medication­s can be very effective, they sometimes take a little while to ‘kick in’ and don’t work for everyone.

“As with all medicines, these drugs can have side-effects. Some can cause drowsiness, dizziness and weight changes, and they can clash with some other prescribed medicines, so this will need to be checked,” says Phil. “If they’re not working as well as expected, the doctor might increase the strength or dosage, or may change over to one of the other medicines.”

If any side-effects occur, check in with your doctor, and it’s always advisable to seek advice before you stop taking any prescribed medication.

 ??  ?? Even painkiller­s readily available over the counter can be dangerous if not used correctly
Even painkiller­s readily available over the counter can be dangerous if not used correctly
 ??  ?? Pharmacist­s Sandra Gidley and Phil Day
Pharmacist­s Sandra Gidley and Phil Day
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Check that any painkiller­s are safe to use with other medication­s you might be taking
Check that any painkiller­s are safe to use with other medication­s you might be taking

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