Western Mail

Stop feeling overwhelme­d by building habits for success

- Dr Ellie Harper is a counsellin­g psychologi­st

WHEN we think about all the things we want to achieve – eat more healthily, get more exercise, spend more time with friends and family, pursue a new hobby – it can feel like we have too much to do with too few resources, leaving us feeling overwhelme­d. When we feel overwhelme­d, we’re more likely to give up on our goals before we’ve even started.

One way to counteract this is by building positive, effective habits; regular patterns of behaviour that increase our chances of success.

A habit starts with a trigger, prompt or cue that automatica­lly signals to your brain that a certain behaviour needs to be carried out.

For example, for some people, feeling anxious triggers behaviours like nail biting or pacing while feeling bored might trigger behaviours like smoking or snacking when you’re already full.

The trigger and behaviour are then followed by a reward which could be emotional (eg. a brief reduction in anxiety or boredom) or physical (eg. enjoying the taste of the food). Over time, these three elements (trigger-behaviour-reward) create a feedback loop that turns into a lasting habit.

The good news is, we can use the principles of habit formation to help create a loop for positive, healthy behaviours.

To do this, we first need to be specific about the behaviour that we want to develop. For example, one of my goals over the coming months is to increase my physical fitness. “I will go to the gym three times a week” is a more specific target behaviour than say “I will be more physically active”. Next, I need to establish triggers or cues for my new behaviour. For example, setting calendar reminders and leaving my gym bag packed and ready by the front door.

Then I need to make sure I reward my target behaviour as this means I am more likely to repeat it. With exercise, there are intrinsic rewards such as improved mood and energy levels. I can also reward my behaviour through things like relaxing in a hot bath or having a healthy meal when I get home.

Remember, it takes time for new habits to form. Be consistent with your triggers, behaviours and rewards and you will be setting yourself on the path to success.

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Gym kit at the ready makes it more likely you’ll do that workout
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Nail biting can be a symptom of anxiety

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