Western Mail

Demand real change with eco carnival


IN May 2019 the Welsh Assembly made history by being the first national parliament to declare a climate emergency.

The declaratio­n called for collective solutions and expressed the hope that it would trigger a wave of action at home and internatio­nally.

The UK Parliament followed suit, Labour Party conference pushed through the Green New Deal and climate change has risen to the top of the news agenda.

Yet, 10 months on, we are seeing the real effects of climate change in our communitie­s.

Across Wales people affected by flooding are taking stock of the damage. Families have lost their homes, transport was disrupted, with schools and amenities flooded. Meanwhile, communitie­s came together to clear up the chaos after Storm Dennis left parts of Wales under water.

On Saturday, March 7, Women Take Action On Climate Change, together with Women’s Strike Assembly Cymru are calling a Climate Change Carnival. March with us for Internatio­nal Women’s Day with your demands.

Green jobs, green homes, green energy and green transport.

What are our priorities and how do we get there?

We want a carnival atmosphere and positive ideas which can move the debate forward and bring people together.

It is no longer enough to make individual lifestyle changes to combat the urgent threat of climate change and so we are raising our collective voices to demand real structural change.

Around the world existing gender inequaliti­es that are perpetuate­d by customs, social practices, and uneven economic structures make women more vulnerable to the effects of climate change, and 80% of the people displaced due to climate change are women.

In Britain, women are more likely to be the working poor, reliant on benefits such as Universal Credit and have caring responsibi­lities. Mothers make up 93% of single parents.

We are far less likely to have a financial safety net and hence the consequenc­es of storms and flooding are severe for families.

While endangerin­g everybody, climate catastroph­e hammers mothers, children and women at large. So please join us as we shout out for economic and climate justice!

Claudia Boes – Women’s Strike Assembly Cymru/Women Take

Action on Climate Change Marianne Owens – PCS Wales

Chair Andrea Heath, Rehana Nadeem, Kensi Hayat, Claudia Oreiro, Maria Mesa – Women Take Action on

Climate Change

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