Western Mail

Gender-neutral passports legal challenge lost


A CAMPAIGNER has lost a legal challenge against the UK Government over gender-neutral passports.

Court of Appeal judges ruled against Christie Elan-Cane, who brought a challenge relating to “X” (for unspecifie­d) passports.

In a statement after the judgment was handed down, Elan-Cane said the decision was “devastatin­g”.

“It is bad news for everyone who cannot obtain a passport without the requiremen­t imposed by the UK Government that they should collude in their own social invisibili­ty,” the campaigner said.

The appeal centred on the lawfulness of policy on gender-neutral passports and whether this policy breached the right to respect for private life, and the right not to be discrimina­ted against on the basis of gender or sex, under the European Convention on Human Rights.

The policy is administer­ed by Her Majesty’s Passport Office (HMPO), which is part of the Home Office.

In a ruling yesterday three senior judges dismissed the appeal, which was contested by the Home Office.

Delivering the judgment, Lady Justice King said it was “obvious and indeed beyond argument” that the facts of the case concern Elan-Cane’s private life.

“There can be little more central to a citizen’s private life than gender, whatever that gender may or may not be,” she said in the ruling.

“No-one has suggested (nor could they) that the appellant has no right to live as a non-binary, or more particular­ly as a non-gendered, person.”

But she went on to say that while this case was limited to the issue of passports, “the driver for change is the broad notion of respect for gender identity”.

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