Western Mail

Armed robber took off mask to console victim

- THOMAS DEACON Reporter thomas.deacon@walesonlin­e.co.uk

ABUNGLING masked gunman who tried to rob a snooker club called off his attempt when the terrified barmaid recognised him.

Petrified Yvette Smith felt she was “going to die” when Luke Jones pointed a handgun at her head while she cashed up.

She recognised the voice of 29-yearold Jones, who was wearing a balaclava, as he had previously quizzed her on the cashing up procedure at Bargoed Snooker Club in December.

Incredible CCTV footage from behind the bar captured the moment Jones pulled off his mask to hug and console terrified Ms Smith.

Yesterday, Cardiff Crown Court heard Jones was a customer at the club, and had got to know Ms Smith and would sometimes help out.

But Ms Smith grew suspicious when Jones started asking her about the cashing up procedure, which made her feel “uncomforta­ble” according to prosecutor Heath Edwards.

At about 11.15pm on December 27, Ms Smith was closing the club when Jones burst through the door.

Mr Edwards said: “The defendant waved the gun in her face. She thought it was a real gun she was being confronted with. They only stood feet apart.

“She recognised him and said ‘why are you doing this Luke?.’ When she called him by the name he took off his balaclava.”

The court heard Jones told her it wasn’t a real gun and he was only “joking”. Once he had removed his mask and gloves, Jones then began to console and hug Ms Smith. He also took apart the weapon to show her it was a BB gun.

Jones fled the club and hid in the attic of his father’s home only a few hundreds yards away from the club. Police officers found him and after initially refusing, he came down 15 minutes later.

Mr Edwards said: “[Jones] said he was trying to play a joke, but did not realise the affect his actions would have on her.”

A statement given to police by Ms Smith said she was left “petrified” by the incident and has been prescribed medication to help her sleep.

Ms Smith said: “I’m absolutely petrified following this incident. I’m distraught. I do not know if I can work in the bar again. I honestly thought it was a real gun and I was going to be killed. Even talking about it to the police is upsetting to me. I could not sleep last night as every time I closed my eyes I could see a gun in my face.”

Edward Mitchard, defending, told the court Jones carried out the “impulsive” attempted robbery to fund his drug habit. Describing the attempt as “farcical”, Mr Mitchard said Jones offered Ms Smith a drink after revealing himself.

He added that the time between Jones entering the club and removing his balaclava was about “12 seconds”.

At the time of the attempted robbery, Jones was on bail after being stopped by police who found heroin and a knuckle duster on his possession five months earlier.

Jones, of Morrison Street, Blackwood, pleaded guilty to attempted robbery and the previous offences.

Judge Michael Fitton QC jailed Jones for a total of eight years for both sets of offences and ordered him to pay a victim surcharge. Jones will serve half his sentence before being released on licence.

Judge Fitton said: “You were out to get money for drugs. You clearly terrified her [Ms Smith] and she still suffers trauma from the impact of the event.”

Jones was also made the subject of a 15-year restrainin­g order not to contact Ms Smith.

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 ??  ?? > CCTV images show Jones holding the gun to the head of Yvette Smith. He then took off his mask to console the terrified barmaid with a hug and showed her his gun wasn’t real. Then he got her a drink
> CCTV images show Jones holding the gun to the head of Yvette Smith. He then took off his mask to console the terrified barmaid with a hug and showed her his gun wasn’t real. Then he got her a drink
 ??  ?? > Luke Jones
> Luke Jones

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