Western Mail



“The current battle against the coronaviru­s at least demonstrat­es, if nothing else, how quickly the world can mobilise when we identify a common threat”

– The Prince of Wales urges a “war footing” for climate change as he references the coronaviru­s outbreak

“We were all given an instructio­n not to shake hands and there’s a good reason for not shaking hands, which is that the behavioura­l psychologi­sts say that if you don’t shake somebody’s hand then that sends an important message to them about the importance of washing your hands”

- Boris Johnson explains why dignitarie­s at the Commonweal­th Day Service were told not to

shake hands

“I had one - this was an audition for the BBC - I walked in and the guy said, ‘Those purple velvet jeans look lovely on you, but I think they’d look better on the floor, would you take them off please?”

- Amanda Redman, above, tells the Radio Times her own #MeToo moment in an audition in the early 1980s

“Large numbers of the population will become infected because it’s a naive population - nobody has got antibodies to this virus currently. We will see many thousands of people infected by coronaviru­s, that’s what we’re seeing in other countries, and the important thing for us is to make sure that we manage those infections”

- England’s deputy chief medical

officer Dr Jenny Harries

“It is bad news for everyone who cannot obtain a passport without the requiremen­t imposed by the UK Government that they should collude in their own social invisibili­ty”

- Christie Elan-Cane after the campaigner lost a Court of Appeal challenge over genderneut­ral passports

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