Western Mail

To reassure firms amid virus turmoil’ – FSB


employed individual­s that are not eligible for statutory sick pay.

Ben Francis, FSB Wales Policy Chair, said: “This is the first budget since 2018 and as such is an opportunit­y for the new Chancellor to set out his stall and reassure firms that he is a small business-friendly Chancellor. This is a crucial time for businesses in Wales and it is vital that UK Government take action to minimise repercussi­ons for businesses who have faced a serious amount of uncertaint­y and concern in recent weeks.

“Devolving Air Passenger Duty could be a huge financial boost to businesses in Wales, put us on an equal footing with Scotland and Northern Ireland who already have control over these taxes, and provide a morale boost for businesses who have big ambitions for their business, and want to see them matched by government­s.

“Businesses need to know there is a continuity of business support, and the Shared Prosperity Fund is vital in delivering this. Business support has had a great deal of its funding derived from the EU, and UK Government must now confirm that the same amount of funding will be available to Wales, and that spending power will rest with Welsh Government.

“Wales’ infrastruc­ture needs are complex and differ throughout the country. We must deal with issues such as rural broadband and mobile phone signal which are improving, but not fast enough for those businesses that are totally reliant on it to operate. Similarly, decisions such as cancelling electrific­ation of the railway to Swansea had an impact on moral and business confidence, something which the Chancellor has the opportunit­y to put right today.

“Finally, as small firms navigate the emergence of coronaviru­s, they want to look to a UK Government that is responsive, adaptive and able to work effectivel­y with Welsh Government on these issues. Implementi­ng a hardship fund for those not eligible for statutory sick pay, such as the self-employed is just one way to start doing this. We are all in this together, and that is the message that UK Government must send in the budget today.”

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