Western Mail

Actress Ffion keeps spirits up in the age of epidemic


IF YOU live in Llanelli, then you’ll know she’s one of town’s loveliest and bubbliest characters.

If you live further afield, then you may have spotted her on TV, featuring in the hit Ruth Jones series Stella.

Now, 24-year-old Ffion Hamill is going for a bigger, worldwide audience, with daily videos on Facebook.

Ffion has been sharing daily videos offering life lessons – and aiming to put a smile on people’s faces throughout the coronaviru­s pandemic.

Ffion is a trained actress who lives in Furnace and has worked on TV, on stage and with the National Theatre. She had the idea to combine her love of acting with the need to spread some much-needed positivity.

She has prepared daily words of wisdom with taglines like “grab a gin and cwtsh in”.

And they are now being posted to social media to lift people’s spirits.

Ffion’s mum Susie Hamill said that posting the videos gave them both something nice to do together while staying indoors.

“We’re inside not doing much, so thought if it gives people a little laugh or makes someone who is suffering worse than us smile, then that’s great,” said Susie. “Everyone is struggling now, so we’ve all got to pull together and be positive.”

In one of the videos, Ffion offers a special thanks to the NHS staff: “Today I would like to say thank you to the amazing doctors and nurses who are working very hard to treat the old and vulnerable people. Stay safe, we need you and when you go home and cwtsh-in, treat yourself to a little drink.”

The message is a particular­ly personal one for Ffion, who praises the amazing treatment staff from the NHS showed her when she had open heart surgery.

Susie added: “They were never prejudiced or anything towards her because of her Down syndrome. They were amazing and now we have to thank them.”

The videos are on Susie’s Facebook page www.facebook. com/susie.hamill.35

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> Ffion Hamill

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