Western Mail

Secure work vital for the dignity and safety of all

- ANNE GOUK Data analyst reporter anne.gouk@reachplc.com

THOUSANDS of workers in Wales are on “insecure” temporary contracts, putting them in a precarious position during the pandemic.

Figures from the Office for National Statistics show that 5.2% of all workers in Wales were “non-permanent” in 2019, leaving around 76,300 people in the area without job security.

Non-permanent employment is part of what is known as the gig economy, and can include zerohours contracts, seasonal or casual work, and agency temping.

While temporary jobs can be ideal for some – allowing a degree of flexibilit­y that a permanent position might not offer – for many workers these positions come at the expense of long-term security and a stable pay check.

Unions are critical of zero-hours contracts in particular, and say that they should be banned altogether.

Neil Foster, national research and policy officer at GMB, said: “Zerohours contracts offer no guaranteed income, precious few rights and mean no job security or ability to plan for the future.

“Workers in this position are vulnerable to not being given any notice period, not entitled to any redundancy pay or consultati­on and could be soon placed in financial peril if they are laid off at a moment’s notice.

“Tragically the lack of security and support for workers on zero-hours contracts has resulted in people taking unnecessar­ily risky decisions because otherwise they would struggle to feed their family or keep a roof over their head. It didn’t need to be this way but a failure of the government to act and fix the situation will likely have contribute­d to the spread of Covid-19 in the UK.

“GMB believes zero-hours contracts should be banned outright, as they have been in the Republic of Ireland and New Zealand. We need to ensure everyone in work is safe, treated with dignity and is paid at least enough to live on. There should be no future for zero-hours contracts in the UK if we are serious about tackling the unfairness they bring and the widespread harm they cause.”

Temporary contracts offer little security at the best of times, and there has been some confusion over how these workers will be protected during the coronaviru­s pandemic.

Technicall­y, people on these contracts should be covered by the various government schemes, whether that’s the employee furlough scheme or the scheme.

However, unions have warned that in many cases employers are choosing to simply let temporary workers go.

Steve Turner, assistant general secretary at Unite, said: “Unite has had to deal with thousands of cases of working people forced into insecure, precarious employment being left high and dry as the lockdown bites.

“Too many employers who use exploitati­ve zero-hours contracts, employment agencies and umbrella companies to employ people, have found it easier and cheaper to fire workers than to furlough them.

“Thrown under the bus by bad bosses, these workers are then seen as disposable under the law. As it is in the hands of the employers to decide whether the job retention scheme is used or not, there is very little workers in this situation can do unless they’re organised and protected by a union.

“Millions lived with this chronic uncertaint­y before the pandemic hit. However, this crisis has really highlighte­d not just the essential role they play – providing health and social care services or working in distributi­on, retail and food manufactur­ing – but just how little power over their working lives insecure workers actually have. self-employed support

“One lesson that the government has to learn from this is that insecure work is a scourge that must be eradicated. We must value all work and the dignity it provides. That means banning zero-hours contracts, as they have in New Zealand, and ending low pay and job insecurity, so that all workers are provided with rights.”

Across the UK, 1.4 million people were working in a non-permanent job in 2019.

According to the latest Labour Force Survey from the ONS, 26% of them were in a temporary position because they could not find a permanent job.

In some parts of the country, as many as one in every 10 workers are in temporary employment – with the proportion in Wales ranging from 3.0% of workers in Flintshire to 8.1% in Ceredigion.

Unfortunat­ely, there are no local figures available on the number of people on zero-hours contracts specifical­ly.

However, separate figures recently showed that 974,000 people were on zero-hours across the UK at the end of last year – around two in every three temporary workers.

That’s the highest number on record, up from 844,000 people at the end of 2018, and four times higher than the 225,000 people on them at the end of 2000.

 ??  ?? > A previous protest by Unite members in Victorian dress against zero hours contracts
> A previous protest by Unite members in Victorian dress against zero hours contracts

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