Western Mail

‘We cannot try to edit or censor our past’ –PM in statues storm

- PATRICK DALY newsdesk@walesonlin­e.co.uk

BORIS JOHNSON has said it is “absurd and shameful” that the statue of Sir Winston Churchill in Parliament Square was at risk of attack from anti-racism protesters.

Speaking after the memorial was boarded up to protect it ahead of more planned weekend demonstrat­ions, the Prime Minister said on Twitter: “We cannot now try to edit or censor our past.”

In later comments, Mr Johnson warned people to stay away from future Black Lives Matter demonstrat­ions, predicting they would “end in deliberate and calculated violence”.

A protective box was placed around the statue of the former premier, who led Britain during the Second World War struggle against the Nazis, after it was targeted during anti-racism protests last weekend.

It was vandalised with the words “Was a racist”, while the Cenotaph, which has also now been protected with hoarding, was also targeted.

The protests, sparked by the death of George Floyd in Minneapoli­s in the US, saw clashes between protesters and police in London, while in Bristol a statue of Edward Colston was pulled down and dumped in the harbour.

Mr Johnson said: “The statue of Winston Churchill in Parliament Square is a permanent reminder of his achievemen­t in saving this country – and the whole of Europe – from a fascist and racist tyranny.

“It is absurd and shameful that this national monument should today be at risk of attack by violent protesters.

“Yes, he sometimes expressed opinions that were and are unacceptab­le to us today, but he was a hero, and he fully deserves his memorial.”

The Prime Minister voiced his opposition to the decision by a host of local authoritie­s to remove a string of monuments and statues as the impact of the Black Lives Matter movement continues to be felt across the country.

The Conservati­ve Party leader said to take statues down would “be to lie about our history”.

Guy’s and St Thomas’ hospitals in London announced they will remove two statues of their namesakes from public view due to their links to the slave trade.

Bournemout­h, Christchur­ch and Poole Council has delayed plans to temporaril­y remove a statue of Scouts founder Robert Baden-Powell after angry residents vowed to fight to protect it.

The council had originally said it would move the statue from Poole Quay on Thursday over concerns it was on a target list compiled by antiracism activists due to his associatio­ns with the Nazis and the Hitler Youth programme, as well as his actions in the military.

The sculpture features on a “topple the racists” website which lists more than 60 statues and memorials across the UK which they argue should be taken down, because they “celebrate slavery and racism”.

But Mr Johnson, in a series of social media posts, said: “We cannot pretend to have a different history.

“Those statues teach us about our past, with all its faults.

“To tear them down would be to lie about our history, and impoverish the education of generation­s to come.”

The PM, in an interview with broadcaste­rs, also addressed the ongoing anti-racism demonstrat­ions, arguing the protests had been “hijacked” by a “growing minority” and were being used “as a pretext to attack the police, to cause violence and to cause damage to public property”.

RESIDENTS in Bridgend gathered for a peaceful Black Lives Matter protest with a two-minute silence to commemorat­e those who have died from police brutality.

Around 100 people attended the protest at Newbridge Fields yesterday afternoon.

Maddy Chelmis helped organise the protest to “highlight that racism has no place in our society”.

She said: “It’s only right to support the fight for basic human rights that some people are still unfortunat­ely fighting for today.

“Many people think that a small town can’t make an impact, but if everyone stayed silent then there would be no change. To bring attention to the issue is to provoke change.”

Miss Chelmis, 19, said social distancing measures had been a priorty when organising the protest.

He added: “Whatever our feelings about the cause, we should not support a demonstrat­ion that is, in all probabilit­y looking at what has happened before, going to end in deliberate and calculated violence.”

More than 130 people have been arrested as over 155,000 people across the UK took part in almost 200 demonstrat­ions, according to the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC).

A total of 62 police officers have been injured in the protests triggered by the death of Mr Floyd.

The PM’s remarks come as reports in the Times suggested violent protesters could be jailed within 24 hours after Justice Secretary Robert Buckland and Home Secretary Priti Patel drew up plans based on the response to the 2011 London riots.

Meanwhile, Black Lives Matter campaigner­s have unveiled a billboard on Westminste­r Bridge Road in central London, near to Parliament, highlighti­ng the plight of black people in the UK.

Forming the words “I can’t breathe” – uttered by Mr Floyd as he choked – the poster lists more than 3,000 names of people who have died in police custody, prisons, immigratio­n detention centres and in racist attacks in the UK, as well as those who have died with coronaviru­s and the Grenfell Tower fire.

The display was put up after organisers cancelled an anti-racism protest in London’s Hyde Park on Saturday over fears it would be hijacked by farright groups.

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> The Black Lives Matter protest at Newbridge Fields, Bridgend, yesterday

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