Western Mail

Testing of university students to start


MASS coronaviru­s testing of students before they go home for Christmas is to start at universiti­es across Wales.

Swansea University warned again that it won’t be able to test all students in time, but Bangor University said it had enough of the rapid lateral flow tests to offer all its students the two they may need.

The programme, which involves two tests done three days apart, starts today, to give any that test positive time to self isolate for 14 days before going home.

The Welsh Government has asked universiti­es to put all learning online from December 8 and students to leave campus by December 9 to lower the risk of them taking Covid home with them at Christmas.

But universiti­es have already said some courses will have to continue face to face until December 18 as planned.

Some students, including those who are care leavers and internatio­nal students will spend the holiday in university halls or private accommodat­ion anyway.

Cases have been falling in universiti­es.

Swansea University, where testing will start on Wednesday, said its supports mass testing but it created “logistical obstacles and it would not be possible to test every student”.

At Bangor University testing will run from today to December 8. Bangor will stop in-person teaching on campus on Friday, except for courses such as nursing where there are placements which extend beyond that date).

From December 7 until the end of the semester on December 18 all other teaching will be online.

At Aberystwyt­h University testing will run from today to Monday, December 7.

At Cardiff Metropolit­an University testing will start tomorrow. A spokespers­on said infection rates at Cardiff Met has “remained low” after campuswide testing in October.

At University of South Wales, testing will run from today to December 11 at USW’s sites in Cardiff, Newport and Pontypridd.

University of Wales Trinity St David is offering testing between today and December 11.

At Cardiff University testing will also take place alongside its own in-house rapid spit test which has been offered to anyone coming on to campus since the start of term.

Wrexham Glyndwr University did not respond to a request from the Western Mail for informatio­n about its student testing plan.

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