Western Mail

A vision beyond Covid-19 needed


THERE is never a good time for a pandemic, but the coronaviru­s struck at the worst possible moment for Welsh education.

Of course all thoughts must turn first to the health implicatio­ns of Covid-19, but the longer term picture is essential for recovery. Education is at the heart of that.

Just as Wales was starting to implement the biggest education reform in the UK in half a century, it had another major change thrust upon it.

When the Welsh Government published its final version of its new curriculum in January it could hardly have imagined that two months later it would be ordering all schools to shut. Or that the closure would be for months and distance teaching would have to be hastily arranged (with very mixed results).

With exams cancelled, a U-turn over exam results and new assessment­s to replace exams next year, to name a few of the challenges, the education portfolio has been pretty hectic for education minister Kirsty Williams.

Whoever replaces her when she stands down in May must win trust and respect in the sector at a hugely disrupted time.

Teachers and school leaders have had to navigate not only all these changes as well as distance learning, but also make their schools as risk-free as they can. School as we knew it has vanished, even when the doors are open.

But with mass testing already here and vaccines on the way, there is a distinct possibilit­y things may open up and become more normal by spring.

For education the time between then and now must not be spent only thinking about Covid-19. Plans must be made to address the vast gaps in learning with so many pupils out of school due to coronaviru­s lockdowns and self isolation.

Thoughts must also turn to how teachers can be supported to take on yet another task at a time when they have had to do so many things differentl­y.

Whoever takes on the education brief at such a daunting time must also waste no time ensuring Walesmade qualificat­ions and its new curriculum deliver transferab­le skills that are understood and respected across the UK and worldwide.

They may even have to accept that the 2022 timetable to roll out the new curriculum will not be possible.

The education and wellbeing of children and teachers must come first.

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