Western Mail


- Claire Petulengro

ARIES MARCH 21 - APRIL 20 Today you have to be yourself, however frightenin­g it feels. The stars are trying to put you in touch with your inner child. By taking chances, you start to see the natural next step you have to take. Stress in the home can be improved with heart to hearts you initiate. Ring now to talk more. FOR MONTHLY READINGS CALL 09050 700 382 75p PER MINUTE + ACCESS CHARGE


You are the master of your fate. You are the captain of your soul. Only you know what makes you happy. It is clear that your love life needs some time and attention. Find ways to use your time together more creatively from today, miracles will occur. Ring now for direction. FOR MONTHLY READINGS CALL 09050 700 383 75p PER MINUTE + ACCESS CHARGE


Relationsh­ips come under the spotlight. Those you’ve lived in harmony with, now become the focus for stress and confrontat­ion. What’s changed was a natural next step. You realise today you have to move with the times. Take control, before others make decisions for you. Ring now for help. FOR MONTHLY READINGS CALL 09050 700 384 75p PER MINUTE + ACCESS CHARGE CANCER JUNE 22 - JULY 22 Give yourself a break. You have been working so hard on just surviving, that you have forgotten how to live. Friends you have been avoiding are the perfect tonic to help you return to normal. Money issues, concerning the home, require you to do the work to get the best deal. Ring for more advice. FOR MONTHLY READINGS CALL 09050 700 385 75p PER MINUTE + ACCESS CHARGE


A new face in your circle has had quite an effect on your emotions. You find yourself looking for meanings in the things you see and do today. You’re changing and growing. Those you cross paths with this week, help you find out the kind of person you want to be. Ring now to find out more. FOR MONTHLY READINGS CALL 09050 700 386 75p PER MINUTE + ACCESS CHARGE VIRGO AUGUST 24 - SEPTEMBER 22 Friends you have helped don’t seem to be willing to do the same in return. You realise this today, with yet another ‘feeble’ excuse. Cut your losses and move on, before you waste any more time or energy on those who have used you. Ring now to hear how good news in work is coming. FOR MONTHLY READINGS CALL 09050 700 387 75p PER MINUTE + ACCESS CHARGE


You seem to be more relaxed about a situation which left you feeling uneasy about how others would view you. Love always wins the day for you though, Libra. You’ll do anything for those you love, as you’re clearly beginning to realise. Ring now to hear more about this festive week. FOR MONTHLY READINGS CALL 09050 700 388 75p PER MINUTE + ACCESS CHARGE SCORPIO OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 21 You are beginning to make better decisions. You know it, others know it. Those who tried to pull the wool over your eyes, didn’t win, you did! You’re not basking in your glory, but you’re moving on. This mature attitude helps you decide what has to happen next in love. Ring now to work on this. FOR MONTHLY READINGS CALL 09050 700 389 75p PER MINUTE + ACCESS CHARGE SAGITTARIU­S NOVEMBER 22 - DECEMBER 20 Saturn helps you to form a better and more structured life than you were. Have confidence in your decisions. It’s what will get you through the doors, which were previously closed to you. Thoughts you have on your career are the seeds of great things. Ring now to find direction. FOR MONTHLY READINGS CALL 09050 700 390 75p PER MINUTE + ACCESS CHARGE CAPRICORN DECEMBER 21 - JANUARY 20 Difference­s of opinion about Christmas plans are not what you wanted. You decide to take control (and will wish you had days ago). You know what you want to happen. This brave new world has brought out the leader in you. An ex is on your mind for all the wrong reasons. Ring now to break free. FOR MONTHLY READINGS CALL 09050 700 391 75p PER MINUTE + ACCESS CHARGE AQUARIUS JANUARY 21 - FEBRUARY 19 Venus ensures that you get back control and attention in love. All you have to do is find the courage to step up to the plate and take on the challenge. Old friends can prove the link you need to an official issue that needs sorting. Ring now to hear why this Christmas could be your best yet. FOR MONTHLY READINGS CALL 09050 700 392 75p PER MINUTE + ACCESS CHARGE


Live in the moment. It has been all too easy to stay living in the past of late. If you focus your eyes forward, you’ll naturally take the first step. You want change as much as change wants you. Leeway you give a younger person pays dividends. Ring now to find and use your signs best traits. FOR MONTHLY READINGS CALL 09050 700 393 75p PER MINUTE + ACCESS CHARGE

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