Western Mail

Majority of doctors don’t feel fully protected, survey reveals


THE majority of doctors surveyed by a union still do not feel fully protected from coronaviru­s infection at work almost a year into the pandemic.

The British Medical Associatio­n (BMA) said its findings “tell a story of real worry” among medics.

The organisati­on, which has been regularly surveying doctors across the UK since April last year on their experience­s and the issues they face in various settings, including GP practices and hospitals, said its latest results showed that just 28% feel fully protected at work.

The BMA surveyed 8,153 doctors and medical students between February 3 and 5.

The latest figures were up from 11% in April last year, but down on 41% in July.

For the February survey, doctors were asked: “Taking everything into account, do you feel safely protected from coronaviru­s infection in your place of work?”

Of those who responded, around 8% said they did not feel protected at all, while 64% said they felt partly protected and less than a third (28%) said they felt fully protected.

Chairman of the BMA consultant­s’ committee Dr Rob Harwood said it is “unacceptab­le that we are still seeing just how many doctors are not as well protected as they feel they should be in their workplace; and it’s gone on for almost a year”.

He added: “No-one should have to go to work and not feel safe, but these results show that our doctors, the length and breadth of the country, seem to be doing just that – and that’s a terrible indictment.

“To be caring for patients, many of whom are seriously ill and need complex care, whilst anxious about the adequacy of your own protection from the virus, should not be happening in a 21st-century health service.

“The BMA has been surveying doctors since April of last year and the results tell a story of real worry – worry founded on the knowledge that some of our colleagues have become seriously unwell or even died, possibly as a result of poor protection from the virus.”

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