Western Mail

Man raped girl in ‘campaign of sex abuse’ starting when she was just six

- ANNA LEWIS Reporter anna.lewis@walesonlin­e.co.uk

AMAN raped and sexually abused a child over a period of eight years, a court has heard. Michael Whilding, 65, subjected his victim to a “campaign of sexual abuse and sexual violence” when she was as young as six years old.

In total Whilding, of Mallory Close, St Athan, was convicted of 35 counts including two counts of rape, two counts of attempted rape, indecent assault, and indecency with a child following a trial heard in March. The defendant had denied all the allegation­s.

A number of the indecency with a child charges related to a second victim where Whilding exposed his penis to his victim and told her to lift her skirt so he could “look at her”, Cardiff Crown Court was told yesterday.

It was heard the defendant later repeatedly warned her against reporting anything by telling her “what would happen if she did so”.

In an emotional victim personal statement read in court one of Whilding’s victims described how her childhood had been ruined by years of sexual abuse which included being raped, forced to watch porn, and perform sex acts on the defendant.

As a result of the abuse the woman, who cannot be named, has been diagnosed with severe PTSD and still suffers from nightmares and flashbacks.

In her statement, summarised in court, the woman described Whilding as a “predator” who had “preyed” upon her as an innocent girl, adding: “He knows what he did to me and doesn’t even have the decency to admit it.”

She said: “He made me feel dirty and worthless, like I was just there to get his sick kicks.”

The woman added: “I remember wishing I had the courage to just walk in front of a bus or lorry to make it stop. I wanted my life to end just to make all the hurt and fear stop and to make him stop what he was doing to me.”

The woman also described her difficulty rememberin­g childhood memories and trusting others. She said: “I was broken by him and what he did to me. I just remember thinking: ‘Why can’t it be a bad dream and I can wake up?’ but it just kept going and going and going. I still feel anxious and depressed and have flashbacks and nightmares. It never goes away. I remember when I was a kid feeling so helpless and scared.”

It was heard Whilding had previously been placed on the sexual offenders register for five years following a court appearance in 1999. At the time the defendant was sentenced for indecent assault of a female and one offence of gross indecency with a child.

During the hearing Matthew Roberts, mitigating, said Whilding’s wife, Muriel, had written a letter which was shared with the court.

An extract read: “I have been with Michael since I was 16 and he was 17. There has never been anyone else for either of us.” She added: “How on earth I will manage without him I have no idea.”

Speaking on behalf of his client, Mr Roberts said Whilding now suffers with heart and liver issues, leaving him at constant risk of a heart attack, and said the defendant was in

“exceedingl­y” poor health.

Sentencing Whilding, Judge Nicola Jones said it was clear the defendant’s actions had left a “long-lasting and significan­t ongoing effect” on his victims, describing it as a “campaign of sexual abuse and sexual violence”.

In total Whilding was sentenced to 16 years’ imprisonme­nt with a further licence period of one year. At least two-thirds of his sentence must be served in custody before he can be referred to a parole board to consider his release.

Detective Constable Julie Lewis said: “South Wales Police takes all reports of sexual violence extremely seriously and it is never too late to report a crime.

“Both victims have displayed great strength and courage in reporting these offences and giving evidence. They have been inspiratio­nal.

“We hope knowing that Michael Whilding has received a significan­t prison sentence provides some relief to them and a sense that justice has been served.”

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> Michael John Whilding

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