Western Mail

How to avoid the dangers of heatstroke this summer

Experts tell LIZ CONNOR that taking extra precaution­s could help you stay safe when the temperatur­es soar


Barbecues on the lawn, rounders in the park and outdoor workouts are just a few of summer’s simple pleasures. But if you’ve ever felt dizzy to the point of passing out after a long day of catching rays, you’ll know too much time in the hot sun can be dangerous – even if you’ve slathered on enough SPF.

It’s worth knowing the symptoms of heatstroke so if you think you’ve gone beyond heat exhaustion, you’ll know exactly what to do.

What is heatstroke?

“Heatstroke is a progressio­n of milder heat-related symptoms,” says Dr Angela Rai, GP at The London General Practice (thelondong­eneralprac­tice.com).

“It happens when your body’s normal mechanisms for regulating your temperatur­e break down.”

Dr Rai explains there’s a higher risk of heat exhaustion during hot weather and exercise, and it usually isn’t serious if you can get out of the sun and cool down within 30 minutes.

However, heatstroke can quickly develop if you aren’t careful, and Dr Rai stresses that when that does occur, it should be considered a serious, medical emergency.

What are the symptoms?

“Symptoms and signs of heatstroke include a temperatur­e of or above 40°C, fast breathing and shortness of breath,” says Dr Rai, adding it can “also cause confusion, seizures and loss of consciousn­ess”.

She adds that, “if you’re still feeling unwell after resting and cooling off for 30 minutes, you should seek medical help.”

How can you treat heatstroke?

Heat exhaustion should be treated quickly to prevent it turning into heatstroke, and Dr Rai stresses that babies, toddlers, elderly people and those with chronic health conditions are more at risk.

“You’ll likely be dehydrated, so you’ll need to replace electrolyt­es as well as water. Drink plenty of H20 and other fluids such as sports drinks – especially if you are very physically active. You can buy special oral rehydratio­n sachets for children and adults from pharmacies.”

She continues: “If you suspect someone is deteriorat­ing with heat exhaustion, try to prevent heatstroke by moving them to a cooler place out of direct sunlight.

“Lie them down and raise their feet slightly. Help them drink water or sports drinks and cool their skin with water using a spray or sponge. It’s very important to stay with them and call the emergency services for help if their symptoms aren’t improving.”

Pharmacy2U’s (pharmacy2u.co.uk) superinten­dent pharmacist Phil Day stresses: “You should always seek medical help if symptoms such as breathless­ness, chest pain, confusion, weakness, dizziness or cramps get worse, or don’t go away.”

How can I prevent heatstroke?

Dr Rai says it’s important to remember it is possible to develop heat exhaustion even when you are not in direct sunlight.

“Keep caffeinate­d drinks in moderation and avoid alcohol, which dehydrates you and reduces your awareness of the warning symptoms,” she says. “You should also try to avoid strenuous exercise in hot weather, especially between 11am and 3pm, when temperatur­es are usually highest.”

Phil advises wearing loose clothes made from natural fibres such as cotton or linen and to take regular cool showers or baths.

If you’re feeling hot, put a damp flannel on the back of your neck, adds Dr Rai, as when the water evaporates from your skin, it will help cool you down.

 ??  ?? You can develop heat exhaustion even when out of direct sunlight
You can develop heat exhaustion even when out of direct sunlight
 ??  ?? Cooling skin with a wet sponge can help combat heatstroke
Cooling skin with a wet sponge can help combat heatstroke

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