Western Mail



A rise of 4C this century is possible but it’s hoped a big effort this decade will stop it.

If it does happen, all of Europe, except Iceland, would suffer more frequent extreme droughts and food insecurity.

Sea level rise would inundate coastal cities due to ice sheets melting. Half our plant and animal species in naturally rich areas could become extinct. HOW LIKELY IT IS...

A rise of 4C is a best estimate for the worst case scenario,

REFORESTED Costa Rica’s jungles have been restored

The task at hand is enormous and might feel impossible, but one country at least has successful­ly managed to halt and reverse deforestat­ion.

In the 1990s Costa Rica’s rainforest­s were decimated to half of their original size.

But through a pioneering programme where citizens were paid to protect the forests and restore the ecosystems, they soon thrived and doubled in size.

It also led to a boom in ecotourism and contribute­d $4billion to the economy, providing a valuable lesson to the rest of the world.

The Central American country was awarded Prince William’s Earthshot Prize for restoring its rainforest­s.


with little or no action taken. Carbon emissions had been on track to exceed 4C by 2100 up until 2015 – but now, with policies in place, it looks more likely we’ll avoid the worst.

Scientists warn it is still possible if policies are not delivered or if temperatur­e rise is greater than predicted.

The World Bank warned in a 2012 report: “There is no certainty that adaptation to a 4C world is possible. The projected 4C rise simply must not be allowed to occur.”

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