Western Mail

‘Caring’ boy, aged 15, took his own life, inquest told


A TEENAGER who died aged 15 was a ‘caring, funny and very friendly’ pupil who would go ‘above and beyond’ to help anyone who needed it.

Joshua Merrells was discovered in woodland off Caemansel Road in Gowerton on the afternoon of August 6, 2019.

South Wales Police said there were no suspicious circumstan­ces.

An inquest into his death at Swansea’s Guildhall was told Josh had his own ‘quirky’ style, but his difference­s had led to him being bullied.

When he was nine he was diagnosed as dyslexic, which had led to him being put into lower-band classes at Gowerton Comprehens­ive School, which he had found disruptive and led him to making friends with older pupils instead.

By Year 9 he had begun drinking alcohol and smoking cannabis, but was able to hold a ‘very good debate about it’.

Pc Nisbet, of South Wales Police, told the hearing he was eventually put into a specialist unit at Gowerton which he had responded positively to, showing particular interest in gardening and survival skills.

Kim Webb, a learning coach at the unit, described Josh as a “very caring, very friendly young man” who “always cared for others”, and added, “Some pupils are very challengin­g and Josh had a calming effect on them”.

The inquest was told Josh had come out as gay and had received the support of family and friends.

He had also been referred to a number of services by the end of 2017 and engaged with CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service), run by Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board, and had been referred for autistic syndrome disorder assessment.

The evening before his body was discovered he had told his parents he was going out and was likely to stay the night with friends.

He was discovered by three youths in woodland the following day, who alerted the police.

A post-mortem examinatio­n gave the cause of death as hanging.

Assistant coroner Aled Gruffydd recorded a conclusion of suicide.

For confidenti­al support the Samaritans can be contacted free 24/7 365 days a year on 116 123.

 ?? ?? > Joshua Merrells, 15
> Joshua Merrells, 15

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