Western Mail

Leopard doesn’t change its spots, says ex-minister, as Welsh politician­s vent anger and call for PM to go


WELSH MPs were quick to attack Mr Johnson after Sue Gray’s initial ‘partygate’ report was finally published.

Labour former minister Chris Bryant warned that “every single one” who defends the failings identified in the Sue Gray report “will face this again and again and again”.

The chairman of the Commons Standards Committee and Rhondda MP said: “The thing is, this is who the Prime Minister is.

“A serious failure to observe high standards, failures of leadership and judgement. Excessive consumptio­n of alcohol in a profession­al workplace, gatherings that should not have been able to take place, staff too frightened to raise concerns, parties in his own private flat.

“A leopard doesn’t change its spots, does it? Every single one who defends this will face this again and again and again. Because he still won’t even admit to the House that when he came to us on November 13 and said the guidance and the rules were followed at all times, and on December 1, that all the guidelines were observed, that those things simply were not true. If he won’t correct the record today, there’s nothing accidental about this is, is there? It’s deliberate.”

Plaid Cymru MP Hywel Williams said: “Whatever the police decide, this ‘update’ – severely limited as it is – would be enough to persuade any other Prime Minister to resign.

“This Prime Minister could resign and salvage himself a crumb or two of honour. Or he may try to delay and take his party down with him.

“So, Mr Speaker, is it not clear that with notable exceptions, his backbenche­rs should discover their backbones and sack him?”

Responding to Sue Gray’s update, Welsh Liberal Democrat leader Jane Dodds MS said: “This watered-down

update is hugely disappoint­ing. Everyone knows Boris Johnson broke the rules and then lied to the country. It’s time Welsh Conservati­ve Members of Parliament stood by their duty to their constituen­ts and stood up for decency by sacking Boris Johnson. He must go before he does our country any more harm.

“Welsh Members of the Senedd should also call for Johnson to resign.

“Many of the Welsh Conservati­ve MPs and MSs stated they will wait to see what is in Sue Gray’s report, now it is here, albeit in redacted form, it is time for them to take action.

“The Prime Minister cannot continue to lead with any credibilit­y amongst the population should he decide to struggle on.”

Plaid Cymru Westminste­r leader er Liz Saville Roberts MP said: “The Westminste­r farce has descended d into total chaos in recent weeks. s. Despite promises of a full account of events, this shortened ‘update’ leaves es many questions unanswered. Meannwhile, the Metropolit­an Police are yet et to give a satisfacto­ry reason for cennsoring the report.

“What is undeniable from this report is that while families were grieving, those at the highest level of government were flouting the law.”

 ?? ?? > Chris Bryant MP
> Chris Bryant MP

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