Western Mail



CARDIFF bookmaker James Lovell, son of the legendary Welsh bookmaker John Lovell who brought computeris­ed betting to Britain’s racecourse­s, shares some of his thoughts with Turf Talk readers...

With the welcome news that crowds can now attend sporting events in Wales, my mind has turned to Ffos Las today and how much I am looking forward to it.

The west of Wales in the depths of winter certainly wouldn’t be everyone’s idea of a place they would want to be. The crowd will probably be thin and business light.

However, it’s the very fact that we can be there that means we are getting back to where we want to be – and for me that’s on a racecourse laying bets. I’ve had time to think lately and what has become apparent is that bookmaking isn’t just a job, but more part of who you are.

When my late father first took out his betting licence he was told: “When you do this for a living son, you probably won’t be eating in the Ritz, but you won’t be eating out of the gutter either”. Not knowing how the day will pan out – good or bad – will it be steak and chips or beans on toast for dinner? We used to pick up an old colleague on the way to the races and the first thing he would say when he got in the car was: “I wonder what the day will bring?’’

You don’t get that in many jobs and it is a privilege.

The camaraderi­e of the betting ring – you’re in it together. There are books you prefer to others and there are operators you admire and some you want to avoid. But we have all lived through good times and bad.

It takes that live experience to respect the choice of a lifestyle that’s less than ordinary and although we are competing we want each other to win. The sport’s first and foremost bookmakers are racing fans. We get the chance to be there for some genuine ‘I was there moments’.

There’s one problem, though – they are usually the most expensive, such as AP McCoy’s ride on Wichita Lineman. I paid through the nose on winning bets but the memories are worth much more.

Being part of the show – it’s no secret bookmaking has changed and these days it’s more about the day out for most of the crowd than hardened gambling.

We get a chance to add to that as the smile on their face as they draw their first winning bet is infectious and even if you have done your money on the race, it’s hard not to smile back.

But more importantl­y,for me at least, are the racegoers. You get to see all of life in all its states. I can’t think of anywhere other than a racecourse where lords and ladies are stood shoulder to shoulder with crooks and cooks. It’s magical,lifeaffirm­ing and very often comical.”

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James Lovell
> James Lovell

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