Western Mail

No hope without global solidarity


DESPITE considerab­le warnings this was on the way, the Russian invasion of Ukraine has gripped us by the throat. I am left thinking – why?

There are seemingly two causes. The first is that Putin is an egotistica­l tyrant who thinks he is the new Tsar, and will stop at nothing to achieve his Machiavell­ian dreams. The second cause is clearly Russian pride at Nato expansioni­sm into areas of Russian influence – Ukraine was in talks with Nato and aiming to join. This is treading on Russian toes, who have put up with former satellites joining Nato such as the Baltic nations; the problem with this theory is that this tends to justify Russian imperialis­m and Putin’s evil. The true tyranny is, however, not the destructio­n and devastatio­n raining down on Ukraine now but the latent threat of World War III; worse than that are our worst fears and our worst nightmare – a nuclear holocaust. Putin is explicit in his threat – either Russian empire or nuclear war. He has called our bluff and the best we can do is pray he does not invade a Nato country.

Ukraine, as a result, is fighting a biblical struggle with the worst form of evil. They carry the entire human race on their shoulders. If they win, we all win, but this is an uphill struggle against Goliath. Clearly, we will continue to get away with supplying food and medicines, and presumably even supplying arms, but if we put boots on the ground this escalates into a world war. We owe the Ukrainian people as much back-up as we possibly can – materially, spirituall­y and politicall­y. Presumably demonstrat­ions in Britain and Wales will kick off soon and we must all be there. They also need our prayers. The more strength we give Ukraine the more likely they are to win.

The only other solution to this war is a long shot – the Russian people and military. At present anti-dissent laws in Russia carry a 15-year sentence just for arguing, but they are a strong people and we do not know what will happen there. So, they also need our support and strength. Without internatio­nal solidarity there is no hope. We must give them the power to overthrow the imperialis­t agenda of their government. The only other solution is the mutiny of the Russian army, which is largely conscripts – so not impossible.

This situation has demonstrat­ed the primal struggle against the nuclear threat. Nuclear weapons have apparently kept the peace in Europe for 75 years and this lie is revealed for us all to see. Until one country abolishes nuclear weapons no one will follow. All citizens with a conscience must join CND or SWAN or both and let us save our planet from the apocalypse our tears will not wash away.

Mr J Bucke Bridgend

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