Western Mail

Just one in 10 children in Wales aged five to 11 has had a Covid vaccine


WE intend for our girls to get the vaccines and they want it, especially my 10-year-old, but we haven’t had the chance yet as the younger two have had Covid in the past few weeks and we are required to wait for them to be 12 weeks clear before getting it. I doubt that we are the only ones in this situation.

Rebecca Clare Davies

IT’S everyone’s choice. People have their reasons for their decisions. Stay in your own lane and worry about your own and not what everyone else is doing. Too much judgement and people thinking they have the right to dictate what others should do. What gives anyone the right to say what’s right and what’s wrong. Covid has bought out a really horrible side to people.

Rachel Walker

I GAVE my children all the informatio­n they needed to make an informed decision, I wasn’t forcing them to have it and they chose not to.

Rebecca Fletcher

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