Western Mail

Infection left healthy boy on a ventilator

- BENJAMIN SUMMER Reporter benjamin.summer@walesonlin­e.co.uk

AHEALTHY boy became unable to move or breathe unaided after contractin­g a rare immune disorder.

When Harrison, then aged four, became unwell with scarlet fever, he initially seemed to get better.

But a few weeks after getting the infection, he woke in the night with a rash developing on his legs.

He was taken to his local hospital where doctors were left bewildered as to what was making him so unwell.

Meanwhile, his condition was quickly getting worse and he started complainin­g of a burning sensation in his legs.

His mother Alex said: “Whatever it was seemed to be rising from his legs up. What started as unsteadine­ss on his feet progressed to no sensation in his legs leaving him unable to walk.

“His voice also became very squeaky and while he had a little cough, it was as if he was unable to clear his throat with a full cough.”

He was rushed to the critical care unit at Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospital in Cardiff.

Overnight, he went from a happy, active little boy to a child who couldn’t move, eat or breathe for himself.

He was sedated and ventilated for three weeks while doctors tried to control his symptoms – and his shock change in condition was later diagnosed as GuillainBa­rre syndrome, a rare disorder affecting the peripheral nerves.

The syndrome is often preceded by a viral infection like Harrison’s, which makes the immune system attack itself. It usually starts in the lower limbs, resulting in weak muscles or paralysis.

After a nerve-racking wait for the whole family, Harrison was weaned off the ventilator to the point where he is now able to breathe unaided.

He was moved to the hospital’s Island Ward where occupation­al therapists and physiother­apists have helped him with his rehabilita­tion. His goal is now to get into the pool by himself when he visits Center Parcs later this year.

Earlier in April, Harrison celebrated his fifth birthday with something very special.

Two months into his stay at Noah’s Ark, an orange Lamborghin­i came to visit - organised by “sparkle co-ordinator” Emily, who works with the play team on Island ward to brighten up Harrison’s days.

Emily started taking therapy dogs in to visit Harrison while he was still in critical care.

Alex said: “Emily is absolutely amazing. She has made the effort to get to know Harrison and his likes and dislikes, so when it came to his birthday she knew exactly what to do.

“Harrison was absolutely amazed to be taken outside to sit in a real Lamborghin­i and be given a mini version of the car as a gift.”

A Noah’s Ark spokespers­on added: “Harrison’s recovery to date has been a testament to the resilient little boy he is.

“Harrison’s story is an example of the many touchpoint­s our supporters have in the care of young patients at the Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospital for Wales.

“Your donations helped to build the hospital that houses all the specialist teams involved in Harrison’s recovery.”

Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospital is holding its Superhero 5K family fun day on Sunday, June 30, where people can walk, wheel or jog to raise funds to support young patients. Visit noahsarkch­arity.org for more informatio­n.

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 ?? ?? Harrison in hospital and right, sitting in the Lamborghin­i
Harrison in hospital and right, sitting in the Lamborghin­i

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