Western Morning News (Saturday)

Real satisfacti­on comes from simply doing the right thing at the right time


FOR two years, when such journeys were allowed, my wife and I visited Rome. Amongst other things we visited the Sistine Chapel to view Michelange­lo’s paintings: rightly considered one of the artistic wonders of the world. A testament to the artist’s dedication.

The detail is lovingly executed. Much of it, no doubt, lost on the visitors gazing up from the floor below. Lying on his back carrying out this painstakin­g work a friend asked Michelange­lo, “Why take such pains? These figures will only ever be seen distantly. Who will know or care whether the work is perfect?” Michelange­lo simply replied, “I will know”.

It is good to have our work recognised. We are affirmed and built up by the compliment­s of others. But even if our efforts are unnoticed we will know, like Michelange­lo, whether or not we are doing things to the best of our ability. There is a satisfacti­on that comes from simply doing the right thing at the right time.

Jesus had harsh words to say to religious leaders, parading their good deeds before the rest of society.

He was especially critical of those who prayed ostentatio­usly in public, announcing their charitable giving with a flourish of trumpets. Everyone had to see the money being handed over. Jesus was impressed not by how much was given but how it was given.

So it was a poor widow, quietly giving everything she had, who gained his approval. Jesus encouraged his followers to do their works of charity and mercy in secret. Selfless intention, not the hope of public applause, was what mattered.

But Jesus knew something else too. Our good deeds can and should be secret to others, but Jesus reminded his disciples that there was one who saw the works of humanity.

God, our Father, he said, sees what is done in secret (Matthew 6.4). Moreover, he promises that this same God will reward us.

Whatever acts of kindness you are already involved in, be encouraged. As you quietly give time, money and resources to the care of others you know its importance. More significan­tly, God knows too.

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