Western Morning News (Saturday)

Who actually wrote the Bible?


PROFESSOR Webb (Letters, October 12) seems confused about who wrote the Bible.

The last paragraph of his letter betrays his hidden assumption that modern theories must replace older human opinions about creation; labelling the Biblical version as being: “Written by humans with far inferior knowledge several thousands of years ago”.

However; It is a simple and easily checkable fact that the Biblical statement of creation never claims to be what the professor labels it.

The Bible’s most succinct expression is found in the 10 commandmen­ts, which begin, “And God spoke all these words” (Exodus 20:1); and then moves to the 4th commandmen­t with the statement that: “In six days God created the heavens and the earth and the seas and everything that is in them.” (Exodus 20:11).

This internal claim for divine authorship regarding the creation account within the 10 commandmen­ts is repeated several times; in Exodus 24:12, 31:18 and Deuteronom­y 9:10.

Therefore, if any or all of those statements are lies, it would render the 10 commandmen­ts the opposite of the incredibly high moral basis it has proved to be down through history.

The Biblical record is emphatic: neither Moses nor any human made up the creation account; it is God’s record of creation.

Professor Webb belittles God’s word as “creation fables”; yet he believes in the man-made theory of evolution that cannot explain the origin of life, cannot explain where the informatio­n in our DNA originated from; and still cannot find the missing link.

The more we discover through science about how God designed the universe and maintains it using mechanisms such as DNA and gravity, the more we should marvel at His creative genius.

Do we believe the God of the Bible who was there at the beginning of creation, or evolutiona­ry scientists who were not?

Gareth Jones Plymouth

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