Western Morning News (Saturday)

What would life be like if Labour won?


I CANNOT be alone in disagreein­g with CN Westerman. His bizarre letter on Dec 15 clearly proves he has no concept of relating his weird opinions to evidence-based facts.

There must be many people who voted Tory who are very nice and intelligen­t people who do not have as their top priority the urge to make a quick buck and to suggest otherwise is as stupid as it would be to suggest that everyone who voted Labour were Marxist anti-semites.

CN Westerman resides in a group of people who cannot cope with the fact that his preference expressed at the election did not carry the day.

Of course he might consider for a moment what life would be like had Diane Abbott become Home secretary, John McDonald become Chancellor, and Jeremy Corbyn become Prime Minister – all totally under the thumb of Momentum and extreme Marxist philosophy.

As he is so upset with the way things have turned out he should consider going to live somewhere where his views are more mainstream.

CH White Tavistock

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