Western Morning News (Saturday)



CREATED by Elly Wentworth, head chef at The Angel Dartmouth.

For the Fondant

300 g Sharpham Ticklemore Goat’s Cheese 17 g cornflour 40 g plain flour 1 egg 1 egg yolk 130 ml double cream For the Marinated Beetroot 150 ml apple juice 75 ml white port 60 ml white wine vinegar 1 pinch salt 2 beetroot 12 g sugar 25 ml olive oil Garnish Ingredient­s Micro watercress Pomegranat­e seeds

Red vein sorrel and celery cress Marinated Beetroot

■ Place beetroots into a pan and cover with water and cook. Once you can pierce a knife through the beetroots take off and leave them to cool. Peel the skin off beetroots.

■ Using a mandolin or sharp knife, slice the beetroot to the thickness you like. Cut them out with a circular ring cutter. Put into a container for later. Add the apple juice, port and vinegar into a pan. Reduce by half. Blend in the olive oil, sugar and salt and pour over the cut beetroot.


■ Blend the goat’s cheese and flours together until a crumb. Add egg and egg yolk. Then add the cream. Don’t over work once the cream is added as it will split. Place straight into a piping bag. Weigh at 35g. You can use a souffle mould, or a circle cutter. Line the moulds with baking paper if needed. Cook for 5 mins at 180c. Blowtorch once removed from the oven for that extra colour.

■ To plate, place six beetroot pickles on the plate. Dress the leaves with the dressing from the beetroots. Add pomegranat­e seeds and the Goat’s Cheese Fondant once cooked. You can always add more for a main course size.

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