Western Morning News (Saturday)

Clare Ainsworth on Saturday Knitting: the ultimate cerebral workout


BRITAIN is having one of its best Olympics ever but even after the ultimate Euros soccer disappoint­ment, the nation appears a little reticent to celebrate our success in Tokyo.

Forget the St George’s flags of the football, why aren’t Union flags flying high in celebratio­n of our success in so many discipline­s?

Our athletes have defied lockdowns to keep their training up to scratch and met stringent Covid rules in order to compete in Japan. Yet there seems to be little excitement in the cheap seats about our country’s athletic prowess.

There has been quite a lot of excitement about diver Tom Daley but, bizarrely, most of it about his creativity with a pair of knitting needles, or his chances of appearing in a same-sex couple on Strictly Come Dancing, rather than his precision diving from the 10-metre platform

Looking back to when Tom won his first bronze medal at the London Olympics of 2012, I remember Plymouth and the South West being full of excitement, anticipati­on and, ultimately, delight for him.

Maybe it was the mood created by a home Olympics and the much better timing for viewing the events. Or maybe it was because there was still a giant TV screen for everyone to crowd around in Plymouth City Centre. But everyone appeared far more excited about Tom’s success back then. So much has changed for the city-born diver since, not least his same-sex marriage and birth of his son. But could we ever have imagined that nine years later we would all be nattering about Tom’s poolside knitting – and the creation of his own Olympic jumper?

Showing off the finished product on Instagram, Tom wrote: “When I got to Tokyo, I wanted to make something that would remind me of these games. Something that I could say I had made in Tokyo, during the Olympics! I did a @teamgb logo on the back, with a flag and GBR on the shoulders and Tokyo embroidere­d onto the front!”

Tom has been spotted with knitting needles in hands on several occasions while watching his Team GB colleagues compete at Tokyo and while some consider it bizarre, his handicraft habit could actually be a key to his success.

Knitting is the ultimate full-cerebral workout. It stimulates almost the entire brain at once.

And while it’s helping improve your motor function and mood, knitting is also keeping your brain healthy. The more you use your noggin, the healthier it becomes and the longer it lasts.

For a diver who needs to remain calm while co-ordinating the most intricate of moves, Tom needs his brain, as well as his body, to be in tip-top condition.

Tom is also using the fame of his Instagram knitting account to raise money for The Brain Tumour Charity in memory of his dad Robert, who so sadly died from a brain tumour in 2011. But one critic accused Tom of typifying a nation that doesn’t care about the Olympics, because he was apparently so bored watching events he had resorted to knitting. But perhaps the diver has actually already inspired the nation.

Rather than inanely flag-waving in the street, we’re all sitting quietly knitting in front of the Olympic coverage on TV. As well as knocking up a jumper or a pair of socks, we’re also maintainin­g our mental agility, while inwardly rejoicing at the success of Team GB.

While some consider it bizarre, his handicraft habit could actually be a key to his success

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 ??  ?? Tom Daley wearing the cardigan he knitted in Tokyo
Tom Daley wearing the cardigan he knitted in Tokyo

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