Western Morning News (Saturday)

Larry the Cat could be doing a better job


I READ Ms Capel’s letter with great interest. (‘Could another PM have done better?’) I would like to suggest that any Prime Minister would expect to be under scrutiny. He/she is a public figure, not a random individual flung into the spotlight. In my estimation Boris Johnson is Prime Minister of this country without any of the virtues expected or required of the office.

She finds it hard to accept the ‘vindictive amount of hate’ shown in the press. I would like to suggest that they were, I presume, reporting facts and the extraordin­ary thing is that the mainstream press are not known for their Trotskyite tendencies.

Yes, John Major had a liaison with Edwina Currie. Is this comparable with Mr Johnson’s documented record with women and his many children with different mothers? I do not know or care – just putting it out there. Keir Starmer was indeed head of the CPS when the decision was made not to prosecute Savile but he was not the reviewing lawyer. He later commission­ed an official investigat­ion, which criticised both prosecutor­s and police for their handling of the allegation­s.

But why did Johnson recently mention this at PMQs as it happened 13 years ago – hardly hot news? Maybe he wanted to obfuscate and distract from the crises of his own making. What Ms Capel fails to mention is that Starmer and David Lammy were later harassed by an aggressive, hostile mob that could have caused injury or worse.

Starmer also received death threats. Johnson knew exactly what he was doing but he cared not one fig, even though this event came so soon after the tragedies that ended the lives of MPs Jo Cox and David Amess.

Ms Capel, there is this useful thing called a comb. Johnson does not have unruly hair; he has a wellconstr­ucted, cheeky chappie facade that has worn exceedingl­y thin. He tries to be everything to all people; he has no moral commitment or guiding philosophy other than ‘how can I get away with this?/how will this benefit me?’.

We do have something in common; I too am in despair about what is happening to this country and I fear for us. We live in times that demand clear decisive government and support for those struggling with the cost of living crisis.

What I do know is that our once dependable institutio­ns have been found to be corrupt. Johnson presides over a government of selfservin­g acolytes that collude and facilitate his appalling behaviour and inadequate management.

At this stage I feel that Larry the Cat could be doing a better job rather than, to quote Rory Stewart, ‘the most accomplish­ed liar in public life’.

Catherine Pickles Buckfastle­igh, Devon

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