Western Morning News

Populism is mindless hatred of strangers


POPULISM is a worldwide political force, produced by the values of the gutter media in all countries, that ignorance is better than education, and Donald Trump is the most obvious result, in a whole collection of mountebank­s who possess huge power to destroy the human race.

So Boris, like Donald, thinks that politics is just like big business, doing aggressive deals, and that is how the media presents it, ‘Bojo is playing hardball.’

There is no understand­ing of the moral principles upon which the EU was founded, to prevent the recurrence of world wars.

All that Populism amounts to, is the mindless hatred of strangers.

So Donald’s US audience will be pleased when Donald broke off negotiatio­ns with the nasty Taliban, because one of their members has exploded a bomb, to kill more innocents.

I could get any 14-year-old, to understand that Donald has just given power to the most extreme killers of the Taliban.

Every time that other Taliban members suggest ‘peace talks’ with the USA, all the psychopath has to do, is to kill more people, to keep the war going.

There are many more vivid examples which could be taught to teenagers, from which they could learn, that, if you genuinely did not wish Afghan children to inherit their parents’ hatred, Donald and Boris are not the kind of statesmen to solve such intellectu­al problems. Britain is an example to the world. In Northern Ireland, we still have the hatred of 400 years, passed down to children.

C N Westerman, Brynna, South Wales

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