Western Morning News




THIS has got to be one of the nerdiest TV contests on the planet – but it’s obviously popular, it’s back for a Kathy Millatt second run.

Fifteen teams of railway modellers will compete to create miniature masterpiec­es against the clock, all to win the coveted crown and a once-in-alifetime spot at an industry exhibition.

Put aside your preconcept­ions of geeks peering over a train set with glue and brushes – although there is a bit of that – producers insist this is a misunderst­ood world. It is actually strangely compelling as the teams work to create something impressive.

The first theme is ‘The Restless

Earth’, which sees the enthusiast­s work on volcanoes, earthquake­s, sink holes and other (small-scale) natural disasters.

One judge, master model-maker and vlogger Kathy Millatt, says: “I want them to make the Earth move for me.”

Full steam ahead for miniature modelling mayhem.

GOGGLEBOX Channel 4, 9pm

WATCHING other people watching TV should not be quite so much fun, but the Goggleboxe­rs have become part of our viewing habits and incredibly, this is the 14th series. One of the funniest programmes on the box, their critique of the week’s best and worst shows are well worth tuning into.

Whether it’s the Malones and their mountains of doughnuts and biscuits and ginormous dogs, or hilarious elderly pals Mary and Marina, or the cutting critiques of the Michael clan, these families have become as much a part of our sofas as our own families, pets and TV snacks.

So thank goodness it’s back, a welcome part of our Friday nights.

Watch out for more deadpan reviews from Giles and Mary, more ridiculous misunderst­andings from Jenny and Lee and some candid commentary from Ellie and Izzi. And producers have teased there may be a few new faces, too.

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Mary and Marina
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