Western Morning News

The options you have if you can’t postpone a booked break


NEW guidance has been published by Cornwall Council, backed by Visit Cornwall, to help businesses and holidaymak­ers.

The advice says postponing rather than cancelling your holiday is a great option for everyone involved to consider. Talking directly to your holiday accommodat­ion provider as soon as possible is often the best way to work out a solution that suits you both.

In cases where customers cannot move the date, they should:

Check any terms and conditions relating to your booking. Do they say that you will be refunded in situations where cancellati­on occurs due to ‘force majeure’ (that is, major unforeseen events outside of either party’s control)? Then contact the accommodat­ion provider to request a refund and follow their processes;

If you have travel insurance, check the small print to see if your booking is covered. If it is, contact your insurer to register a claim;

If your accommodat­ion booking was over £100 and you paid some or all of the amount by credit card, you may be able claim through your credit card company. Contact your credit card provider to register a claim.

If you still can’t get a refund and you have no other means of getting your money back, then you may consider issuing a claim via the county court, under the Law Reform (Frustrated Contracts) Act 1943. This contains a statutory entitlemen­t to a refund for any contract that has “become impossible of performanc­e or been otherwise frustrated”.

Cornwall Council cabinet member Rob Nolan said “We are hearing that many people who have booked accommodat­ion directly with holiday businesses have agreed that, rather than cancel their intended visit which was due to have taken place during the lockdown period, they will change dates or keep the booking open until the current lockdown is lifted.”

“These voluntary arrangemen­ts show that many customers are keen to have a holiday in Cornwall to look forward to once the current restrictio­ns are lifted. By being flexible they have in-turn helped those businesses who are affected due to the financial impact of the current situation.”

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