Western Morning News

Retail support needed to protect flower growers


THE National Farmers’ Union (NFU) has written to retailers asking them to provide much-needed support for ornamental businesses during the coronaviru­s outbreak, by starting to rebuild their stocks of British flowers and plants in stores.

The call comes as part of a wider support plan to help the sector, which has been severely impacted by the closure of key outlets.

This includes retailers, many of which have reduced or stopped stocking flowers and plants amidst efforts to prioritise food supplies, as well as garden centres, florists and the cancellati­on of seasonal events.

In the open letter, Minette Batters and Ali Capper, president of the NFU and horticultu­re and potatoes board chairman respective­ly; applauded supermarke­ts’ quick response to the change in consumer buying, but highlighte­d more can be done in the coming weeks to play their part in supporting the ornamental­s sector.

Mrs Batters commented: “We are now in a period where food sales have stabilised, and we ask that retailers restock British flowers and plants and do all they can to support businesses which have been left without any of their key outlets.”

As part of its support plan, the NFU has asked the Government to guarantee that garden centres will be among the first businesses allowed to reopen under a phased exit of the lockdown. The organisati­on also wants to see appropriat­e financial support provided to businesses which have had to dispose of stock, and that current Government loans are accessible at the necessary levels.

According to the Horticultu­ral Trades Associatio­n (HTA), the total value of the 2020 ornamental crop (flowers and bulbs, pot plants and hardy nursery stock) is estimated to be £1,405 million. It also estimates that a third of businesses could fail due to Covid-19 impacts.

 ?? Andrew Teebay ?? > Closures of key outlets such as garden centres and florists have had a severe impact on British flower and plant growers, the National Farmers’ Union (NFU) has warned
Andrew Teebay > Closures of key outlets such as garden centres and florists have had a severe impact on British flower and plant growers, the National Farmers’ Union (NFU) has warned

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