Western Morning News

Old warehouse to become police station with custody cells


A DISUSED warehouse is set to be transforme­d into a new temporary police station complete with custody cells.

Plans for the former Barum Auto Parts building on Seven Brethren in Barnstaple are expected to be submitted today as police say the project to replace the current police station is “moving at pace”.

Last month we reported that Barnstaple’s existing police station on

North Walk has had to be vacated because its roof is faulty and repairing it is not “economical­ly viable”.

The new temporary station at the former Barum Auto Parts warehouse – which is near the town’s leisure centre and Tesco Extra store – would house officers, staff, volunteers, a public front office and a custody centre.

Under the proposals, most officers and staff would be accommodat­ed at the Seven Brethren site, while some specialist staff would be relocated to offices at Roundswell.

Police say discussion­s with prospectiv­e landlords and North Devon Council have proceeded rapidly, and the OPCC is now ready to submit a planning applicatio­n.

They say it is likely the new site would be suitable for three to five years, giving suitable time to investigat­e the possibilit­y of building a bespoke station to serve the North Devon area.

North and West Devon Superinten­dent Toby Davies said: “We have been working hard to identify suitable options that could be delivered within the challengin­g timescales.

“I am hugely appreciati­ve of the high level of support and flexibilit­y shown by partner agencies in north Devon which has made this task all the more easier.”

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