Western Morning News

Making it easier to shop local

Making fresh, organic milk available to as many local people as possible is the aim of one Devon dairy, as Athwenna Irons reports


ADEVON-BASED dairy has stepped in to help support its local community through the coronaviru­s pandemic, by reducing the price of its organic milk by a third.

With some people struggling to buy basic supplies during the crisis, Clinton Dairy, which runs a 24/7 vending machine at Otterton Mill visitor centre, has cut the price of a litre from £1.50 down to £1.

It comes as the service has already seen a rise in demand from local customers, with sales doubling since the start of the pandemic.

The machine is operated by the Clinton Devon Farms Partnershi­p (CDFP), a Clinton Devon Estates farming business, which manages two organic dairy farms, Otter Farm and Dalditch Farm. A combined herd of 750 dairy cows graze locally, producing over 5.4 million litres of organic milk each year.

Sam Briant-Evans, farms manager, explained: “We know there are many people who might be struggling to pick up the basics at the moment, including elderly residents who aren’t necessaril­y able to travel, so we thought this would be a great way to support the community.

“This is fresh, organic milk that has been produced by cows grazing the local countrysid­e and it’s readily available and easy to get to.

“We want to ensure that as many people as possible can access it and benefit at this difficult time.”

The refrigerat­ed machine was set up in an effort to reduce food miles, waste, and connect the farm with the local community, something that is hugely important for the Clinton Devon Farms Partnershi­p at this time.

It holds up to 50 litres of milk and customers can buy a re-useable, recyclable glass bottle, or bring their own container.

 ?? Guy Newman ?? > Clinton Devon dairy cows grazing near Otterton Mill, where their milk is sold through the Clinton Devon Farms Partnershi­p’s 24/7 vending machine in re-useable glass bottles
Guy Newman > Clinton Devon dairy cows grazing near Otterton Mill, where their milk is sold through the Clinton Devon Farms Partnershi­p’s 24/7 vending machine in re-useable glass bottles
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