Western Morning News

The things they say


“There are serious questions as to why the Prime Minister skipped five Cobra meetings throughout February, when the whole world could see how serious this was becoming” – Shadow health secretary

Jonathan Ashworth. “The idea that the Prime Minister skipped meetings that were vital to our response to the coronaviru­s, I think is grotesque”

– Michael Gove. “Barbara was a beautiful person. She was kind, generous, giving, fun. Mother, of course, grandmothe­r, aunt, partner, and our hearts just go out to her family and those who loved her the most”

– Matthew Reed, chief executive of Marie Curie, following the death of nurse

Barbara Sage. “We love you, we thank you”

– Sir Paul McCartney sends a

message of gratitude to health workers during the One World: Together At

Home music event. “I think it’s crucial to realise having a vaccine in itself, in say a million doses, which you know to be safe and you believe to be

NONAGRAM effective. That is not the end game. The end game is making sure that it is truly effective”

– Sir Jeremy Farrar, a member of the Government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencie­s. “The memories of this will certainly keep us both going until we can celebrate properly later on in the year”

– Nurse Hayley Pitman who shared her first dance with new husband Harvey Skelton to a live video call performanc­e by Ellie Goulding during her online wedding. “My lot are dying off and we are the ones that caused the problem”

– Sir David Attenborou­gh urges people to “stop waste of any kind” and save the planet. “I’m the happiest I’ve ever been”

– Former British paratroope­r Chris Lewis who is isolating on the uninhabite­d Shetland island of Hildasay with his dog Jet after lockdown measures were introduced when he was on a fundraisin­g challenge to walk the UK coastline.

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> Paul McCartney, Matthew Reed and David Attenborou­gh

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