Western Morning News

Marine engineers play a vital role


MARINE engineerin­g firm SMS Group has stressed it is continuing to operate during the coronaviru­s pandemic because it is playing an integral role in helping to keep Britain trading and staying safe.

The Southampto­n-headquarte­red company with engineerin­g workshops across the South is supporting maritime infrastruc­ture, crucial freight operators and the nation’s defence sector.

SMS group has engineerin­g workshops in Poole, Avonmouth, Portsmouth, Dover and at Devonport in Plymouth, where it works with defence giant Babcock Internatio­nal Group Plc.

Nicholas Warren, commercial director of the SMS Group, said: “From our sites we support the likes of the Royal Navy, via Babcock and BAE Systems, UK Border Force, Trinity House and various inter-island freight operators as well as numerous ports, harbours and tug/towage operations.

“We’re a small, but important part of the country’s maritime infrastruc­ture and, as Island nation, we must keep trading.”

He added: “We’ve just this week docked a UK Border Force vessel in Lowestoft, provisione­d support to aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines, and completed two emergency call-outs for two differing tug operators.

“We’ve also supported the vital inter-island ferry operators that help serve both the communitie­s of the Channel Islands and the Isle of Wight.

“It’s key that we follow Government advice, take all precaution­s, keep colleagues and customers safe, and develop our own business processes, and then of course carry on.”

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